Chapter 21

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................Time Skip..............

Alby POV
After a very sarcastic and threatening talk from Newt, it's time to meet up and get ready to leave this place. I hope that Minho and Thomas are right about this place. Once everyone was gathered, I looked at everyone who was coming, a few people dropped out but a couple of people had joined in. Most of the people who still weren't coming stayed the same, builders, baggers, slicers, and bricknicks. We wished them all luck and headed into the maze.

y/n POV
This maze is a lot bigger than I thought it was. "Just a little farther, we are almost there, stay close," Minho calls back to the group. "Okay everyone stop," Minho turned around to the group, "there is a griever on the cliff so everyone sticks together and we'll shove him over the side. Chuck stick with y/n, y/n don't let him out of your sight." With that, we turned the corner and ran screaming towards the deadly griever. The griever's tail was grabbing boy after boy throwing them over the cliff. Finally, the guys got the griever to the end of the cliff, it was almost over the edge when it grabbed Alby. "ALBY," I screamed, leaving Chuck's side to shoot the griever in the face with an arrow. The griever roared and fell over the cliff, running as fast as I could I grab Alby by the hand. "I need some help guys," I call out, but everyone else was busy since another griever appeared. "Hey, it's going to be okay, just let go. Get out of the maze, live," Alby whispers. "No, I won't leave without you, you have to come," I croak out between tears. I'm sliding towards the edge and can't hold him much longer and he can see that. With a sigh and a smile, he whispers "it's gonna be okay," and lets go of my hand. I can't believe he's gone. I turn around to see Chuck frozen in fear. I shouldn't have left him alone. He's too young for this. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand. Thomas calls over "guys come on the door is open," we run over to him but once we step in we are blocked by a red circle filled with numbers 1-8. Thomas calls over to Minho "what's the maze sequence," Minho starts yelling out numbers trying to hold back the new griever that showed up. "71526," he starts but gets interrupted when a griever comes from above. The griever is trying to bite Minho's head off. Jeff runs out of the little hole and spears him in the head giving Minho a chance to get out from underneath and finish, "483," he yells, turning back to help Jeff but the griever has already killed him. He backs into the hole as the walls fall on the grieves and seconds later the door shuts and we fall into black nothingness.

................Time Skip..............

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