Chapter 5

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................Time Skip..............

y/n POV
It was almost closing time and I had already helped 15 more people and had to send away 5 who pretended to be hurt and sick. I had just finished stitching up a cut Winston had on his wrist when Newt walked in. "Hey Newt, give me a second," I said. I turned back to Winston telling him he could go as I cleaned my station up. "So what did you do with all your free time?" I asked knowing that he probably helped Alby with stuff. "Actually nothing, doctors orders," he sighed. This surprised me. Usually, he didn't listen to anyone. As I recleaned his wounds he barely said a word, I started to worry if it was hurting him? "Hey, are you okay, you're never this quiet?" He looked up and just sighed, shook his head, and replied, "nothing to worry about, I'm just tired." He opened his mouth again as if he wanted to say something else, but closed it again. When I was finished he stood up to leave but I stopped him and pulled him into a big hug. I whispered into his chest "I believe you, but if something is wrong you have to tell me if you don't, I'll hunt you down and make you tell me." He just laughed and replied, "wow, someone's violent today, I'm good though so let's head to the bonfire." I nodded, even though no new greenie had come up I gave Alby the idea of nightly bonfires, to give everyone something to unwind and look forward to and if you didn't want to come you didn't have to. Gally said no to the idea at first but I think it's cause he just dislikes me. Now Gally comes to them all and brings his brew, he seems to enjoy himself.

Newt POV
I can't help staring at her, she's so beautiful, smart, sassy, and a total badass. She seems so deep in thought right now, I almost told her that I liked her back in the med-hut but I couldn't do it. I was too much of a coward and I love our friendship too much to ruin it. As we arrived at the bonfire she ran over to our "gang" as she likes to call it. "Hey gang," she giggles. That giggle could kill me.

Minho POV
OH, MY SHUCK GOD, Newt likes y/n. It's so obvious that it's funny. I'm trying so hard not to laugh. Sure y/n is an incredible girl, like wow, but I see her as my partner in crime.

It was pretty obvious that Newt had developed a crush on y/n. I'd have to talk to him about that later. As much as I trusted Newt, I trusted y/n 100% more.

Alby POV
Newt and y/n I can see it happening, I'd allow that, they are pretty compatible and are cute together. If only Newt would tell her.

Chuck POV
I have no idea what's going on here, why is everyone silent. Minho looks like he's going to pee his pants, Fry looks quite serious, Alby looks like he's laughing but annoyed, y/n is just her cheerful self, and Newt is red in the face. LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON.

y/n POV
I'm so done with all this silence, what is with everybody tonight. "Y'all wanna play truth or dare?" I smirked, this was going to be fun.

................Time Skip..............

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