BH Results. [Job Offer]☑️

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Stiles turned over, rolling into the warmth of a strong pair of arms. He laid contently, for several minutes, eyes still closed as he allowed for his brain to wake up.

When he was more aware of himself, he curled into the body beside him; he sighed happily, when a hand came up to his head, fingers combing lazily through his hair.

A pair of soft lips pressed against his own and Stiles smiled into the kiss, responding eagerly. When Stiles pulled back, a hair's breadth, he was panting lightly.

"Morning love." Peter's deep, sleep-heavy voice rasped in his ear. A pleasant shiver racked Stiles' frame.

"Mm, g'morning Pet'r." Stiles mumbled, still exhausted from the weekend's activities.

Peter chuckled at his response and sat up, leaning his weight on his elbow as he hovered over Stiles.

Stiles smiled up at his mate, still feeling sated and sleepy.

"Peter... can't I just not get up today?"

The older male laughed at his question, schooling his features to give an unimpressed look- though it was easy to see that his smile was trying to break through.

"Sorry love, remember Principal Martin called yesterday that you should go in today to 'officially' receive your results."

Stiles looked passed Peter, at the ceiling, and frowned.

"Ugh, I forgot about that..."

Peter smiled at his cute mate, amused by his behaviour.

"Stay here. I'm going to make us something to eat." Stiles unabashedly watched as he walked over to grab a robe- to cover his naked body.

Honestly, Peter had no qualms about walking around naked but, the last thing that he wanted was to have to listen to his pup, Liam, crying about his scarred innocence... again. If that happened, Stiles would soon be on his ass, as well. Though let's be honest here, he's the one who would probably be ending up on his mate's ass, literally, either way.

~~Time Skip~~ (2 hours)

Stiles sat in the same chair as the last time he was in Principal Martin's office. He stood, when he heard the door behind him open.

"On Stiles, sorry for the wait, please sit."

He nodded his head as he did as told, fully aware of the brown folder she was holding.

"Okay, so, first order of business. Congratulations, Mr.Stilinski-Hale, you have graduated high school with flying colours."

She passed him the folder and he opened it to find his high school diploma. He briefly scanned the two sheets, his honours diploma and an APID.

He sent the woman a questioning look.
"Why the APID?"

She thought for a moment before replying.
"You were eligible so why not?"

He couldn't really fault that logic.

He slid the diplomas back into the folder and tucked it all away in his school bag.

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