Hell and Hales [Hi Neighbour]☑️

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Morpheus appeared in an aggressive burst of air, his wings refolding into their markings on his back. He stalked swiftly through Klevioh, nodding greetings to the scattered succubus and incubus as he passed.

He turned a corner and sped up as he saw the temple of the king's council room- his council room. He could see that at least some of his advisors were present in the atrium, as he neared.

When he entered, all of the gathered eyes turned in his direction and he couldn't help as he minutely flinched at the heated glares that some of the council were sending his way.

He brought his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat, hoping to buy himself some more time as he walked towards his throne. He moved with a put upon ease that did not coincide to his anxious thoughts- he could feel some of the scathing glares as those council members attempted to burn holes through the back and sides of his head.

He turned elegantly and allowed his cloak to flare out behind him, as he settled into his large, lavish, ornately designed throne.

He took a moment to just brush down the front of his slacks and fiddle with little threads at his cuffs, avoiding looking up at what he was sure was about to be his doom by interrogation.

Finally, steeling his nerves, he looked up and acknowledged the people in the room with him. When he looked around, he saw that his entire council was present and cringed. He had hoped to head off any arguments or admonishments when in smaller groups.

He can see that 4 of them are glaring fiercely at him, 3 of them look resigned and the last one- his friend and chief advisor- looks amused.

"Where have you been?! You can't just disappear! You have responsibilities, or have you forgotten that?!"

He looked to where the shriek had come from and sighed as he saw Vivian, his strictest advisor. She was quite tall, with a slender build, dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes and the scariest scowl he'd ever met. Her resting bitch face made him feel like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, repeatedly.

"Well, my dearest Vi, I was actually visiting my nephew. I saw Beacon Hills, had a lovely family dinner, had a deep emotional talk with Stiles and met his family."

She frowned when she heard where he'd been.

"You know, as well as any of us do, that Claudia wanted to be the one to tell him of when he was to come back to be engaged!"

"Well, that was hardly fair for her to claim that responsibility. Besides, I already told him and he wasn't at all happy about it."

She glared at him furiously, turning to leave the council room.

"We'll see what Claudia has to say about this."

Morpheus watched, dismayed, as she went around the corner in search of his younger sister- to tell her of where he had been.

"Well fuck... That could've gone better." He sighed and slumped back into his chair.

He shot an amused half-grin to his right hand man when he heard his snort.

"I suppose you find my suffering amusing." He gave his friend a mock-annoyed grimace.

"No, majesty. I just think that you dealt with that in the worst way possible. That's the kind of blunder that you were making when you were initially crowned. Though it never ceases to amaze me, how ignorant or wilfully oblivious you can be to other's desires and emotions."

Morpheus grinned, "Will, you can't honestly believe that I did this without knowledge of the consequences."

"It wouldn't surprise me." Morpheus grinned at the words of his friend- the only one, other than his sister and nephew, who would ever get away with such "disrespect".

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