McCall-Hale •[Clueless]•☑️

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Stiles was sitting with Scott and the group (Meaning: Allison, Lydia, Jackson, Kira, Isaac, Aiden, Boyd and Erica- Danny&Ethan sitting with some of Danny's other friends), eating his lunch, when he saw a downtrodden/ nervous looking Liam walk through the door.

Immediately, Stiles was on his feet, rushing towards his pup. When he reached him, in a matter of seconds, he pulled him into his arms and guided him away from the nosey crowd slightly, completely ignoring the stares boring into the back of his head from the direction where the pack were sat watching them.

"What's wrong pup?" Stiles held Liam at arms length, checking him over.
Liam leant into Stiles' hold, hiding himself within his mom's arms.
"It's nothing." Liam spoke in a quiet and timid voice.
He held his chin, (still ignoring the quietened mutterings from the students watching them in curiosity), making him look up into his eyes.
"What's wrong?" Stiles held Liam's chin up , not allowing him to look away.
Liam's eyes welled up, filling with tears as his scent became more distressed.

"Daehler. Matt Daehler said... He said that..."
He sniffled and his nose began to get a little bit red.

Stiles pulled him close, shielding him from the world, safe within his arms. Liam's face was quickly buried in the crook of his neck.

"What is it pup? What did he say?" Stiles encouraged gently after allowing his pup to sniffle into his shoulder for a few minutes. He gently rubbed circles into Liam's cheek With the pad of his thumb, again not acknowledging the widening eyes around them, at the strange intimacy they were giving one another.

Liam took in a slow steadying breath, relaxing as he closed his eyes, leaning into Stiles' touch.

"He...he said that I would always be alone, that no one would care if I just disappeared. And that I should watch my back." Liam finally let the large sad tears fall, as Stiles pulled his pup close, encasing him with a warm embrace, whispering comforting words as Liam's head once again found its way to his neck. Stiles' calming scent comforted him as he relaxed in his arms, calmer now that he'd let out the negative emotions that he'd been holding in.
Composing himself, Liam pulled away slightly to look up into his Mum's face.
As he looked up, he saw that Stiles was glaring murderously somewhere behind him. Turning to look discretely over his shoulder, he saw Matt Daehler laughing raucously with a group of his friends on the other side of the cafeteria.

"I'll kill him," Stiles spoke darkly as he moved Liam out of the way.
"Mum. No." Liam tried to stop Stiles from doing something that would get him into trouble.
Stiles placed a reassuring hand on Liam's shoulder and smiled far too calmly for Liam's liking.
"I'll be right back, wait here."
Liam did as he was told and watched quietly as Stiles moved towards Matt.
Stiles. Was. Fuming.
How dare this boy upset his pup!!!!
And to threaten him to "watch his back" was simply unacceptable! He would not let this one go.

He walked up behind the oblivious Matt and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
He walked away from the table slightly, Matt following close behind. Deeming himself far enough away from snooping ears, Stiles rounded suddenly on Matt, grabbing his shirt and slamming Matt's back up against the wall with a 'BANG!'

There was a sudden total silence that washed over the cafeteria then, going completely unnoticed by the duo.
Stiles leaned in close, frowning fiercely at that boy he was holding to the wall.

"You ever upset of threaten Liam again and I swear to god your body will never be found." Matt frowned at the threat.
Stiles shoved him back once more as he went to move away, he would have continued to had Matt not opened his mouth and said, "Oh look at you, big bad Stilinski protecting puny defenceless Dunbar".
Stiles' eye twitched as he turned suddenly and reeled back his fist, planting it squarely in the middle of Matt's face, his head snapping back roughly to make contact with the wall and a resounding crack was heard throughout the cafeteria as his nose began to gush blood.

Stiles straightened up and gazed disdainfully down at the boy he had just decked.
"Stay away from him you asshole", Stiles fiercely glared at him once more before turning in the silence to walk back over to Scott and the group.

He packed up his stuff, ignoring the questions being fired at him from the group and, once done, walked away from the confused pack. All pairs of eyes in the room were following his every movement.

He went over to Liam and draped his arm casually across his shoulders, more whispers rising from the students at the action as Stiles guided his pup quickly away from the room.


Stiles entered his economics class early, having already escorted Liam to where he would be having his next lesson, to find that he was the first student to arrive- meaning that he was about to get eyeballed by Coach Finstock.

Sitting at his desk, he got out his economics supplies and a book to write in before setting them all down and turning his attention to the coach.

The bipolar man sat silently at the front, watching him with a disbelieving look on his face.

The two made eye contact and held I in a stare off, brows raising and eyes twitching as they each waited for the other to break the silence, neither backing down.

A vein of the side of Coach's face began to swell as he glowered at Stiles.

"Stilinski!" Coach suddenly barked across the room.

"Yup Coach?" Stiles responded calmly.

The coach's eyes were slightly beaded as he stared intently at Stiles.

"Heard you punched Daehler", Coach looked at him calculatingly.

"Well.. punched is such a very specific word. I don't know if I'd call it a punch.." Stiles trailed off slightly as the Coach raised an unimpressed brow.

A silence stretch between them as they watched one another assessing.

Stiles felt a thin bead of sweat roll dow his temple and hrmph'd as he threw his hands up, "Yes coach, I did. But in my defence he seriously provoked me. He should know that you do not challenge the stiles." Stiles responded, a small smirk flitting across his face as he finished speaking.

Coach frowned at Stiles as he angrily muttered to himself.

"Where the hell was that aggression when you were on the team Stilinski. We could've made something good of you. You could've made first line.." Coach paused and looked at stiles. He shook his head at himself, ".. nope not even then."

Stiles looked at the Coach in disbelief.

"Yo coach, I'm pretty sure you're not meant to encourage fights."

Coach scoffed as he leaned forward in his chair, elbows coming to rest on the edge of his desk. "As far as anyone here is concerned, I'll encourage whatever's going to give our team the best results."

They sat in silence for a few moments before Coach looked at him, this time in disturbed curiosity. "Part of me wants to know what Daehler did to make an idiot like you mad."

Stiles raised an eyebrow at him.(A look he'd mostly seen Peter using when the pack did something exceptionally stupid.)

"Then again! Another part of me really doesn't want to get anymore insight into that disturbed brain of yours."

"Good thinking coach. Wise choice." Stiles nodded along to himself as he spoke.

The duo lapsed, once more, into silence and a few minutes later the other students finally began arriving to class- where the coach stood and began the lesson.

Eyes once again followed Stiles' movements, going unnoticed behind him.

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