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Stiles groaned as he threw his head back. He landed with a thump on the couch, his sore muscles still tense as his eyelids tried to drift shut in exhaustion. Large firm hands appeared on his back, massaging the tension and ache out of his neck and shoulders, the warm comforting administrations sapping away the last of Stiles' energy, causing him to lean in welcoming their touch. The hands smoothed around his neck and down his arms, rubbing along the length of them to calm, soothe and comfort Stiles.

"Hmm, you're so tense, love", the deep voice rumbled from where a mouth had been pressed into the back of his neck. Stiles arched his neck, angling his head to see the face of the one behind him. He stared into the intense blue eyes, so full of love and emotion, an expression that only he got to see. Stiles turned himself fully, to allow him to embrace the man standing behind him.

"It's nothing to worry about, just finals and the usual pack stuff. Y'know research..", The man hummed in understanding as he moved to pull Siles further into his arms. Pressing the full length of their bodies to one another. He rested his chin on Stiles' shoulder, simultaneously breathing in the scent of his mate and coating him in his own- scent marking him to warn away other wolves- marking his claim.

"You need to relax. You're thinking way too hard about everything again. You could recite that material in your sleep, you're going to do fine." Stiles went to protest but he cut him off with a peck to the lips. "You're going to do fine, with both your Advanced Level exams for Beacon Hills AND your thesis for Princeton. I wouldn't encourage you if I thought you couldn't handle it but I KNOW that you can" Stiles smiled at his words pulling him into a brief kiss.

"Thank you", it was a quiet mumble and only audible to the man as Stiles breathed the words right onto his lips.

"Don't worry about it love. And don't get me wrong here, I have no idea about the level of physics, chemistry and mathematics that you're doing in your lessons but I'm smart enough to understand the basics and help where needed so don't hesitate to ask."

Stiles finally let out a chuckle, releasing the tense breath that he hadn't been aware he was holding- only now realising how stressed he'd truly been. Finally relaxed, he sank into the man's arms and allowed himself to be guided to the love seat, away from his study books, where the two sat, stiles in the man's lap and cuddled.

~One and a Half hours later.~

Stiles' eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly to clear his vision of all the grogginess accumulated during his nap. He gazed around the room, recounting all the fond memories made there in the past few years. All the things that had gone right since getting the home with his mate 2 and a half years ago. Movie nights with Peter, Liam and Isaac. Date nights when the pups were out. Family time which included his dad, when available, goofing around sometimes and on occasion just relaxing in a big puppy pile, if their small pack was feeling especially affectionate to one another, regardless of what the cause of the shared affection may be. Now that Stiles thought about it, there was a puppy pile practically every other week in his home.

Coming back to the present, he felt a warm shiver course through him as he became more aware that a certain someone was watching him. He let out a dazzling smile as he looked up to Peter, whose lap he was currently still curled up on.

He reached out slowly, bringing Peter down into a gentle loving kiss.

"How was your nap love?", Peter gazed fondly at Stiles, letting the true him show through, something that only a select few ever saw. Stiles, again, pecked his lips before answering, "It was good My Wolf, comfiest chair I've ever dozed off on."

Peter smiled indulgently, as stiles curled further into him, and nuzzled the side of Stiles' face, purring in content. Stiles positively preened under the attention he was receiving, drinking it all  in.

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