McCall-Hale •[Clueless]•Pt.2☑️

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Stiles dropped his bag onto the bleacher beside where he was sitting. He watched as his pups huddled around coach with the pack, pulling out his phone to call Peter.
He let it ring and held it to his ear, waiting for the man to pick up.
"Hey love, what's up?" He heard Peter's voice and smiled.
"Hey, just thought I better tell you that I got in a fight so you may want to be ready for a call from the school at some point".
Peter sighed and huffed a laugh as he heard what Stiles said.
"What do you mean you've got into a fight?", Stiles smiled into the phone because he knew that Peter would agree with what he did and why.
"Matt Daehler, a boy in Liam's class, threatened and then made him cry so I punched him and told him to stay away, or else".
"You okay love?" Stiles laughed loudly as Peter was more concerned about him then the boy who he'd used his supernatural strength to deck.
"I'm fine Peter. I'm just watching the boys practice at the moment." Stiles looked back over at the team to see Isaac with the ball.
"GO ISAAC!" Stiles cheered him on as Isaac made the goal.
He heard Peter laughing on the other end of the phone, "What's so funny?"
Stiles was confused.
"You're such a soccer Mom. Don't get the wrong idea!, I love it, but it's true."
Stiles chuckled lightly to himself at the truth behind his husbands words.

Stiles looked across the pitch, he saw Allison, Lydia, Malia, Erica, Boyd and Kira heading in his direction.
Tuning back into his conversation with Peter, he quickly said bye, for him to relax after his day at work and they Isaac was planning to go with Scott to Derek's loft after lacrosse.
"See you when we get home", he finished, right as the group arrived to where he was sat.
He couldn't keep the smile from his face, when he heard Peter's overprotective nature seeping into his words, telling them him to come home soon.

He was likely exhausted from having to attend a bunch of business meetings regarding his tech and 'antiques and information exchange' company's, yet he always seemed to find time to worry about and pamper to Stiles and the pups.
Calling his attention back to the approaching teenagers, he smiled in their direction, his carefree mask snapping into place we practised ease.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Waved at them enthusiastically.

"Hey Stiles!" Alison greeted as she sat to his right.
The rest of the group in the row in front and beside Alison.

"What happened at lunch Stilinski?" Erica eyed him, waiting for an answer.
"Matt pissed me off." Is all Stiles said.

Lydia huffed in annoyance at Stiles' short answer, "What did he do?" She persisted.

Stiles observed the group for a moment before sighing and slumping back against the wood behind him.

"He threatened Liam, told him to watch his back." The weres in the group growled low in their throats as they scanned the field with their eyes, looking for the cause of their righteous anger.

As stiles looked out in the same direction across the field, he could see that the wolves playing had all stiffened and moved slightly closer to Liam, evidently they were eavesdropping Stiles noted with amusement, 'nosy wolves'

"Where is the twerp?" Allison was the first one to, surprisingly, growl out.

"Hospital", Stiles said casually.

"What? Why? You didn't hit him that hard!" exclaimed Kira in disbelief.

"I hit him hard enough to concuss him and break his nose." Stiles sing-songed as he looked back over to where Coach was still shouting over the team.

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