Chapter Seven

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It was loud. The music from a nearby concert floated along the boardwalk, echoing amongst the crowd. So many voices overlapped. Bell's arm was still looped through Marko's as they trailed along the tourists of Santa Carla.

"How long have you lived in Santa Carla?"

His mouth twitched, "Lived what seems like longer than most. Only been in Santa Carla for a little bit of that."

Her eyes narrowed at the stress on the word lived. Her mind was gathering. It would all come together soon.

"How did you end up with the others?"

His arm tightened on hers, "David found me. Brought me home."

"He has a habit of picking up strays?"

"Maybe the ones he sees potential in. You feel it... don't you?"

She played coy, "Feel what exactly?"

A sign reading Wok Buffet came into sight as Marko pulled them both to a stop. He dropped the arm that had been looped through hers and put both of his hands on her shoulders. Marko was only a few inches taller than her, so it was comical to see him trying to look stern. Eyes clashing with hers, "You feel it. The feeling of everything just falling into place. Like for once, everything is exactly right?"

She placed her hands on top of his, "I can't explain it. I feel as though I have known you all for years rather than just a few days. I dreamed of you. Knew your names before you even told me. How could this possibly make sense, Marko?"

His eyes took on a soft look, "Sometimes reality does not make sense and life cannot be sorted into neat little boxes."

"Who knew you had such a way with words?"

Her tone was light, and a smile was playing on her lips. The tense air was cleared and they continued on into the restaurant. Marko opened the door and indicated with a swish of his arm that she was to first.

"After you, miss."

"Why thank you, kind sir."

Michael Emerson did not usually take to strangers. His siblings, his twin in particular, were his best friends in the world. But in the short time he had been left at the cave without his twin, he had blended right in. Paul's energy levels reminded him of his dear sister, and he could see her in his laugh. Dwayne was quietly reading in the far corner of the cave, but Michael could tell he was amused by Paul's antics by the quirk of his mouth. Michael's eyes flashed toward the main object of his thoughts and his worries. David.

His twin was the most important person in his life. They shared everything. Over half of their lives, they had been joined at the hip. Michael could not imagine his life any other way. It was odd for him to now think that there would be someone vying for his sister's affection. David gave off an air of cool nonchalance. His eyes, appearing cold at first, were now melted as the firelight danced. He was relaxed in the wheelchair across from the couch that Michael himself was sitting on. He did not seem worried or concerned with Michael. His gaze was on the others, but Michael noticed how his eyes kept glancing up to the cave opening. He was waiting for Bell. He was opening his mouth to speak to David when he heard Marko call out from behind them, "Feeding time..."

And Bell finishing with, "Come and get it boys!"

Michael turned his head to watch as his sister hopped down the stairs after Marko while swinging a bag in her hands. Her foot seemed to get caught on the last step and she lost her balance, falling toward the hard ground. Michael had launched himself off of the couch to catch his sister, but was beaten by a feminine hand catching her before she could hit the ground. There was silence in the cave for a split second as the others stood at once. All eyes were on Bell who was still clutching Star's hand in her own. Michael could not put his finger on it but, guessing by the others behavior, this was not an ordinary event. Star had isolated herself from the group the minute they had stepped into the sunken hotel. It was as though she could not wait to be away from them. It had stung. He thought that she had enjoyed his company, but that did not appear to be true when in the presence of the others. He was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard his sister's voice, "You know... I usually don't swing that way, but those muscles have me rethinking."

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