Chapter Eighteen

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There was an emptiness to the cave. The laughter that echoed through the caves was absent on this night. But if one were to walk deeper into the caverns, they would have heard it. The chanting of one single name, pleading for more. To an outsider, it would sound depraved. To those wrapped up in one another, it was the beginning of everything and the ending of a dance that had gone on for so long.


"You made me so proud tonight, flower."

Her skin was on fire and she could feel herself practically shaking as David whispered praises onto her. One of his hands held both of hers down while the other ran along the length of her body. This had been a twisted game for so long, Bell had no idea how long she had been under him in this very bed.

The room had been a surprise to her when David had taken them back to the cave. The others stayed to clean up the mess and deal with Laddie. The plan was to wipe his brain of everything that had happened that night and put a false memory in its place. A new start for him. For me as well.

The hand that had been grasping her hip was suddenly holding her face, causing her to gasp as she once again remembered where she was. Who she was with. He was all she could see. All she could hear. All she could feel. Only him. His face was so close to her own that she wanted to lean up and take his mouth, but his grip was too strong and she could not break away even if she wanted to. He leaned down and ran his nose along her cheek before resting his forehead on her collarbone, "Are you with me?"

"Always, David."

His lips were upon her own and she arched into his kiss, the taste of him imprinted upon her. It was all so quiet for just a moment before she felt it. Him. That final connection. He was already a part of her. He had been since that very first moment in Max's store. She knew that he was hers. She just didn't know at the time that it was for forever. Bell was reminded of her strength at the feel of him and she used it to draw one of her hands free from his grasp. Immediately, that hand was in his hair, pulling him closer to her as her body curved to get him deeper.

Between kisses, David rasped against her lips, "Knew you would feel so good for me, Belladonna."

The hand on her face drifted to her neck as his own body began to move, "I knew from the moment that I met you that I would do anything to have you."

Her breath caught, "David-"

His eyes were on fire now as his own breath left him quickly, "My own little poison wrapped in the prettiest package."


His grip became tighter, his movements sharper, "Does my sweet girl want more?"

Her other hand had become loose as David had moved his own to find a better hold on the bed above her. Those hands grasped at his back, feeling as the muscles flexed underneath his skin as he took her. Her nails grabbed at him with every push and pull, needing him to be as close as possible to her. The hand around her neck pulled her face up to his own, "Take it. We take what we want."

He followed his order with a movement that caused a whimper to leave her as she fought to keep her eyes from rolling back into her head. The hands at his back ran up his spine till they found a place on either side of his neck, pulling him closer to her. She could feel the change begin to take over her, just as she could feel the tightening in her stomach as the dive into the pit of the unknown became nearer to her than ever before. She had not even realized her eyes had fallen shut until a finger ran across her lips. Opening her eyes, she was met with David's own, staring down at her with molten heat, "I can't have my girl starving. Not when she is so close."

She struck. The movement was quick and she was immediately filled with him. The spice on her tongue paired with the feel of him was enough to send her over the edge. She could feel as much as she heard David let out a groan of his own as he leaned further over her, giving her more room. The movements that had been so smooth prior took on a harder edge with every pull she took from him. The ancient bed beneath them cried much like she had earlier in the evening with each push. She released her bite as she felt something deeper begin to build once more in her, grasping at David, needing him with her. She let her head fall back, baring her throat to him, submitting to him. This was the final step. The final moment before taking the step together to have one another for forever.


He had never said her name quite like that before. Rarely was David without control but this was him without it. Her name was a plea, the closest she would ever hear him beg. She knew what he was asking, what he was needing. The hands on his head pulled his face down to her neck, her body shaking as she felt his lips run down the sensitive skin, "Fate, David. Take what you want. Be one with me."

Teeth pierced her skin as black dots clouded her vision, her back arching at the pleasure that was overloading her mind. She could feel him. She could feel his happiness with her. Could feel the moment that he went over the edge, his grip on her tightening to the point she knew she would have bruises the next day.

So lost in that crimson haze, she missed the moment that it all fell silent outside of the gasping breaths that left both of them. Her face was now plastered to his chest as one of his hands ran down the bare skin of her back. The air of the cave was still. The candles lighting the room gave them the warmth that their bodies now lacked. She was home.

"It's just the beginning, Belladonna."

"Forever sounds kind of nice with nights like these."

A chuckle left him, "Well sated and spent."

She nipped the skin of his chest where her face had been, "Happy."

"You will be."

"I am."

His response was to pull her closer to him as his chin rested on the top of her head. The comfort his touch offered pulled her closer to slumber. She could feel David nearing the edge of sleep as well but she knew he would wait until the others were here. Safe. As her eyes finally closed and her breath evened out, her last thought was of how she could only hope that the others could find this feeling of being complete.

In time, flower. In time.

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