10: Encounter

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° CHAPTER 10: Encounter °

To see is to make believe.
To hear is no choice.
But to touch, is another tale.


Accepting her fate, she started walking around the hospital. No, she couldn't walk through walls but people who did bump into her felt nothing while she felt the impact.

It felt a little depressing not being able to drink tea and not being able to cheer someone up. Those are the two things she loved most about being Hazel Dora Keenan.

She danced to the security guy's music and felt lighter. There's nothing stopping her from doing whatever she likes. Not money, not food and definitely not her deepest fear of wasting time. She was already dead!

She laughed as she crossed the road, the music still playing in her ears.

"Nothing is stopping me now!" She yelled towards the sky. "What now? Am I stuck like this until my mom decided to unplug the machines? What should I do now? Are you giving me a chance to fix something? Tell me!" She grew angrier with every word.

She stomped off, not heading anywhere in particular. She somehow knew that being too far from her body is a bad idea.

The music in her head was still playing, like the security was following her from hospital. She didn't mind it though, midnight blues are always very melodic.

She caught a reflection of herself on a glass window by a store further down street. Her skin looked better than what her actual body looked like in hospital. She had color, her lips were healthy and her hands were as soft as she always knew them.

Before she knows it, she was on top of a building. Looking at the beautiful scenery of the city before her. It looked too familiar. She hadn't realised time fly by, it was already sunrise. The small breeze made her hair move to her face.

But that's not what made her blood freeze,

"Hazel?" Shock and joy laced together in one word from a voice that sent shivers down her spine.

Could he see her? She refused to turn around in case she was hallucinating.

"Am I hallucinating? Fuck, fuck, fuck..." It was Matthew, Hazel turned to see him. He thought he was hallucinating just as she thought she was. It had to be amusing.

He was rubbing his eyes, then he turned around to give her his back.

"How the hell did I even end up here?" Hazel asked with a low voice, she knew this looked familiar but she didn't think she was on Matthew's rooftop. This is where they spent their mornings, watching the sun rise with cups of steaming camomile tea.

She took slow steps towards Matthew, "Matt, you're not hallucinating." She felt her eyes sting. "I'm here," she tried to touch his shoulder...much to her dismay, her hand went through him.

Matthew finally turned and looked right through her, "I don't know if you can hear me because you're not dead...but if you can, I really miss you Haze." His voice broke. "I even see shadows of you if not silhouettes every now and then." He laughed dryly, then reached into his pockets, fishing out a cigarette and a lighter.

When had Matthew started smoking? Hazel staggered back. From both sadness and disappointment. She thought for a moment there that Matt could see her, and now he was smoking?! How long had she been in coma?

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