Chapter 2

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Time passes......

Rainbow Dash POV

FINALLY!!! It's the end of another school day. I rushed out of class and to my locker. When i got there,i opened it up to reveal a circular mirror on the side. I want to make sure i look stunning for our "hangout".................................................WHAT!? Can't a girl fix herself up a bit? 

.................... I thought so.

Once i looked...... better, i got out of boring school (please don't sue me!!!!) and headed to the Wondercolts statue. I then saw.......him...... w-wav-ving at m-me with t-the w-warm-mest smile i ever saw. I put my head low as i was blushing and walked up to him.

Soarin's POV

Dashie was walking up to me with her head low? Ohhhhh, she's blushing. I wonder why. I shook some dust on me as she came closer.

"So, are you ready for our hangout?" (BTW, Dashie looks usual)                                   "U-ummmm, y-yeah. lets go."

Soon, we began walking. Oh, and we weren't doing the weird awkward  silence thing. We talked alot and i got to know that she used to have her own fiance. Quibble Pants. Apparently, he only used her for her money. But, i know i won't do that when i'm her boyfriend. 

At Starbucks.............

We got inside and sat down. Starbucks is wayyyyyyyy better than when i last came here. Anyway, we ordered. Dashie got the caramel frappuccino and i got iced caffe' latte. Once the lady brought them over, we began chatting again whilst enjoying our drinks.

" You know, its been a while since i have been here. This place has changed a lot."  complemented Dashie. Ahhhhhh, i just love how she smiles. The spotlight hits her dimples perfectly. Suddenly, Dashie started... chuckling? I noticed this.                                                                          "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, Dashie, what's wrong?"                                                                                                              (Continues chuckling)" Y-you got some latte in your cheek."                                                                              I rubbed my chin a little but she shook her head. After a few more tries.... i gave up! Dashie came closer to me, her body off the chair.                                                                                                                    " It's riiiiiiiiiiiight here!" T-then s-she kis-kissed my cheek and sat back down. I was shocked.

SHE KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK I AM NEVER TOUCHING IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, its official................................................. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend VERY soon!

Hope ypu enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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