13. Mother-in-law

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It was the weekend that Ariana had been dreading and it had come so much faster than she was ready to accept. Despite the fact that the previous weekend had derailed, Aidan didn't seem that bothered by it, or maybe he was masking his emotions too well. She was meeting his mother and that was final. The problem was it was another party event. But she felt like she owed it to Aidan to make up for the last weekend. They hadn't discussed anything and just went back to normal. Well, their sort of normal. She wanted to distance herself, but how could she when he was her husband? When they had promised to take care and love each other until the end? His smile and kisses were enough to make her forget each time.

'Look it;s going to be fine ok. She can be a little...daunting but don't worry too much.' Aidan said but even he seemed nervous as if he was reassuring himself as well as her. Ariana had

They walked up to the grand house, Ariana's dress flowing behind her. It was buzzing with light, big and bright. Faint chatter and classical music was coming from it. Dozens of luxurious cars were parked and waiters and chalets waiting. 

'Ok.' Ariana squeezed Aidan's hand. They entered the large foyer and a butler greeted them. Suddenly, Ariana began to feel a little overwhelmed and extremely nervous. She was not used to crowds and definitely not used to high sprung parties such as the one in front of her. Aidan looked normal, his face was blank as if this was just another one of the gatherings. He was used to it an probably grew up with it. Then, a middle-aged woman with greying hair appeared. She was wearing a simple, elegant golden gown. Diamond jewellery sparkled. Botox was apparent. She walked with her head held high, and Ariana immediately felt intimidated. Not a little, like Aidan had suggested but extremely intimidated. 

'Aidan darling, how lovely to see you again.' She smiled greeting her son with open arms and kissing him. In that moment, the large, bulky Aidan had transformed into a little boy. But he looked stiff, uncomfortable and distance. Suddenly, his mother's eyes met hers and they were dark and cold. 

'So, this must be the women you've been telling me about.' She looked at Ariana with calculating eyes but with a smile. 

'Um, yes. Mother, this is Ariana Adams, my....girlfriend.' Ariana looked at Aidan and he avoided her gaze. 'and this is my mother, Eleanor.'

'It's wonderful to finally meet you.' Ariana said holding out her hand. It wasn't probably her best decision, as Eleanor stalled for a second and then shook it. 

'Come, I want to introduce you to everyone.' Eleanor took Ariana by the arm and they began talking. Well, her not so much. Eleanor chatted endlessly and Ariana was grateful that she could just nod and mostly agree. Aidan's father was lovely, gentle and kind. One of the only people who seemed authentic, along with Alicia. 

It seemed the entire house was picked out from a homes magazine. Everything was perfect. People stood around talking and socialising with champagne flutes in their hands. She watched as Aiden spoke to people effortlessly, following decorum. She was never one for small talk and so she just looked around. The people were polite but she could just feel their scrutinising eyes. She hadn't been born into the upper-class. It hurt, but she didn't care. After all, she was here for Aidan. She didn't know anyone.

Ariana wondered around, wanting to explore a little bit further where Aidan had grown up. She walked into an adjacent room, holding a glass of orange juice while everyone drank champagne and looked around the beautiful room. It was all cream; the sofa, coffee table, the fluffy rug and even the cabinet. The only thing that wasn't cream was the black grand YAMAHA piano in the corner of the room. The floor to ceiling windows showed off the landscaped garden outside and allowed the natural lighting of the moon to flood in. She walked to the fireplace where there were a few photo frames and she looked at them closely. Photos had a way of telling stories. They were mainly family photos. But there were a few of a younger looking Aiden and one that caught her eye. She carefully held the heavy silver frame in her hand and peered at it closely.  It was a long shot of him, maybe aged 10 or 11 with his fingers frozen upon the keys with a smile looking up at the camera. He seemed full of life and his grey eyes were full of colour even twinkling.

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