24. cliff

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Aidan's P.O.V

Aidan lowered his gun. His team partner went to check on the dead man. But all Aidan focused on was the women in front of him. Her back faced him and she was cradling the body of another female and he immediately knew it was her. Long brown hair veiled her face and he felt desperate to see her eyes and to feel her.

'Ariana?' He walked closer, hesitantly, dreading to see the victim.

He felt overdressed in his protective armour and bulletproof vest, and the numerous weapons he had on and then there she was in a simple jacket and jeans. His stomach turned as she turned to look at him. Her face was tear-stained but that wasn't what infuriated him and tore him apart at the same time: her lips were cut, her face swollen, dark purple bruises covered her face and blood was everywhere. She looked fragile and so broken.

'She's dead.' Ariana whispered and her pain spoke volumes. She sobbed quietly but it rattled through her body. Her body was shaking. He felt like the worst person in the world. He was supposed to protect her. He was supposed to ensure her safety and he had failed miserably.

Aidan moved forward to touch her but the shot of a gun stopped him. His wingman fell to his knees and then collapsed onto the floor. Aidan immediately pointed the gun in the culprit's direction.

'Stop, or I'll shoot.' Aidan ordered.

'You move and I shoot.' The man appeared, aiming the gun at Ariana's head. They were locked in a triangle. Aidan watched as Ariana's tears continued.

'Hello, we meet again.' The man grinned the perfect comic book villain grin. His dark eyes glittered with excitement and cruelty as if he was enjoying every moment.

'I thought you were dead. Anna's dead.' She whispered, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Ariana looked down at the young girl and touched her hair, put a kiss on her forehead and gently lay her down on the floor. There were so much blood and dead bodies in the room. But in this moment all Aidan focused on was getting her out and safe.

'Fortunately for me, I didn't die. But it's my turn now and I will make sure to finish the job this time.' He went closer and pulled Ariana her up by her hair to which she yelped in pain. Aidan boiled in anger and gritted his teeth so hard that he thought his teeth would break.

'Shoot, and I'll shoot and I won't hesitate. Now put the gun down.' The man ordered. He pulled her and was edging backwards towards a back entrance.

'Just shoot him. What are you waiting for?' Ariana told him but he wouldn't. No way in hell would he risk losing her forever. She was not thinking straight and it was her pain and anger speaking.

Aidan had to think carefully. Although everything felt surreal, it was his fault. He had allowed himself to get distracted and got into this mess because of it. He slowly followed them not removing the machine gun from the targets head.

The back entrance led outside and onto a cliff overlooking the sea below. It was windy and cold. The skies were dark, almost black. The waves crashed against the rocks. The man continued to move back towards the edge of the cliff.

'Let her go and we can sort this out.' Aidan asked but didn't beg. He didn't want to show any form of weakness. The man simply laughed. 'If she dies, I will kill you, slaughter you like an animal and tear you into pieces, you motherfucker.' Aidan hissed. The man instantly crushed the gun against her head and she cried out in pain.

'Aidan, just go. ' She said forcefully.

'First name basis. Interesting. ' The man said sounding amused. Suddenly, he seemed to add something up in his twisted head. 'Aww, is that why? Anna I am disappointed. Falling for that white scum. You were supposed to be mine!' He gripped her hair tighter. There was no joking around now. 'Now put the fucking gun down or I swear I will kill her.'

'It has nothing to do with you. If you want to kill me, go ahead already. I am not scared of you. Don't you fear Allah.'

'Ariana.' Aidan warned. But she seemed like she didn't care anymore. Exhaustion and pain were clear. She closed her eyes as the wind blew her hair around.

'Oh, don't bring God into this and even if God existed, he wouldn't be able to stop me now. Now for the last fucking time, put it down!'

Aidan swore under his breath as he slowly begun putting it down. The mission was supposed to be simple and clear cut. Aidan had managed to claw his way into the castle easily. Everything else was being taken care of by the team. He and Howard planned to get Ariana out but she kept moving from one place to another making it difficult to track her. And now there was this situation. He was trained and decided to put it into action. But before he could, he caught the look in Ariana's eyes. She was going to do something. She had that angry face on.

Suddenly, she grabbed the man's hand which held the gun and twisted it. The man yelped as he heard his bone break. She turned and kicked him in the groin which sent him backwards and collapsing, right near the edge. She walked forward her hand's fists were cuffed.

'God exists. May he have mercy on your soul.' Saying that she kicked him on his chest and he disappeared over the edge. She turned slowly, holding her right shoulder, to face him but suddenly, she fell to the floor and tried grasping onto something but it was just dust and rocks. Aidan immediately leapt forward and luckily managed to grab onto her arm. But he struggled. He realised that he was holding onto not just Ariana but also the man who was grasping onto Ariana's leg. He could hear the man's voice amongst the vicious wind.

'I've got you.' Aidan said, holding her and trying to pull her up. But the weight of two bodies was stretching him.

The man continued to shout for help. He watched Ariana as she gritted her teeth and he felt her kick something and then the weight in his arms lightened. The man had dropped into the darkness of the ocean below.

Aidan immediately pulled her up and tightly enveloped her into his arms.

' I've got you now.' He repeated and held her for as long as he could.  Slowly, he looked at her face and her eyes were closed. 'Ariana, are you ok?'

He shook her gently trying to wake her. But something was wrong. She wasn't responding. He quickly moved her back and checked for her pulse. She was breathing. He noticed that it was his shirt that she was still wearing but it was no longer the pristine white it had once been. Numerous blood stains were splattered across it and now a large dark crimson circle was forming on her right shoulder. He moved the shirt and swore.

She had been shot.


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