14. Daughter

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Aidan's P.O.V

Aidan didn't say anything, his expression probably confirmed everything anyway. 

'Take him into a room and out of the way. You're staying the night.' Elanor ordered amongst the chaos. They didn't contest. They were both not in the mood for driving, he was in a bad state and it was getting pretty late. He watched as Ariana nodded and dragged him up with her. He felt dazed. He had lost control. Seeing Alicia attacked had made him loose control. He didn't know what to say, but nevertheless, his mother would take care of the problem. Aidan was a trained killer, the man should have been dead by now. The worst thing was, he didn't regret it one bit. The man deserved it but death, he was not the judge. Only a miracle would keep him alive. But he did regret shoving Ariana onto the floor. But how had she guessed one of his deepest secrets? She was a beauty with brains and intellect. He was lucky to have her besides him, but their time was running out. 

A waiter handed Ariana a first aid box, and ushered them to a guest room. She kneeled down as Aidan sat on steps, leading up to the four poster bed and begun to clean up his knuckles. 

'She can't ever find out.' Aidan finally broke the silence. Ariana looked up, her green eyes, unreadable. 

'You must tell her one day. You can't all be living a lie all your life.'

'Sometimes living a lie is better than the truth.' He meant every word. Ariana gulped ad continued with the cleaning. 

'But she has a right to know. Aidan, she has a right to know who her real father is.'

'Just leave it, okay. I'm her father, I'll decide what to do. You're not her mother.' Aidan snapped. Immediately, Aidan regretted the words. A look of hurt flashed across her face. 

'I know that.' She nodded and went into the ensuite. Aidan cursed and took off his black loafers. He went to the bathroom. For a second, he watched as Ariana struggled with the zip of her dress, which was located on her back. He walked closer, and Ariana stilled as he unzipped the plum gown. Aidan kissed her neck and run his hands across her soft, smooth skin. She arched her neck, allowing him further access. 

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me.' He continued to murmur among the kisses. She turned around and faced him. 

'It's ok.' She began undoing his tie and taking off his bloody clothes. Once, his shirt was discarded, Aidan sat down. 

'I was 15 when she was born.' Aidan spoke looking into thin air. 'I didn't know anything about her until Alicia was dumped in a box outside our house. Her mother just abandoned her and disappeared. She was so tiny. We did the whole DNA business and she was mine. Mum was livid and decided that rather than tarnish our name and reputation, Tara, my older sister would adopt her. And they went with it and sent me away. I was practically disowned. Not legally but emotionally. I would never have come back, after the way my own family treated me but it was the thought of seeing my little girl and my granddad that usually made me come home. For a little while and then, I'd be ordered to go.' 

'I'm so sorry. ' Ariana sat down next to him and put her arms around him. He leant his head against her shoulder and she kissed the top of his head.

'It was for the best. She's got two parents instead of one, and she's still in the family. I can still see her and do all the fatherly things, but with the name of an Uncle.' Aidan exhaled. 'How did you figure it out?' He said turning towards Ariana.

'Well, it just kinda made sense. It always struck me how similar you look and the way, she spends more time with you than her own parents and the way you were beating that guy up, and it just came into place.' 

'I'm sorry, about before.'

'I know you are.' 

'Just promise me. Promise me you won't tell her.' 

'It's not my place to tell.'

'Thank you.' Aidan got up and pulled her up.

'But I can't believe you have made me into a step-mother.' Aidan grinned at her and lifted her up. 'Put me down.' 

'Ok,' he obeyed and almost dropped her, and caught her in time. 

'Hey!' She screamed and punched him. But that just made him tilt her into a diagonal position until her hair was touching the floor. 'What the hell are you doing?' 

'If anything happens to me, promise you will look out for her and you won't turn into the evil stepmother.' 

'This isn't a Disney tale and besides, who do you think I am?'

'Promise first.'

'Promise, you idiot.' He lifted her up and kissed her deeply. He loved kissing her, soft rose tinted lips and feeling her soft, warm body against him. Her floral and vanilla scent combined reminded him of home. Hell, Ariana was his home. He couldn't keep his hands off her and neither could she. She always responded and was just as eager as him. This was the love and compassion he had always dreamt of, the sparkling laughter and companionship that you only saw videos of. Most of the time, he had to fight to keep himself in control. Aidan simply couldn't think of a life with her. But their time together was running out, and it was a burden on his shoulder and he couldn't forget it. He had received a message that he had only had two weeks left until Anderson stormed in and took over.

There was a knock on the door, breaking their intimate embrace. Ariana put on a bath gown to cover herself as Aidan zipped up his pants. The night wasn't over yet. It was as if the incident hadn't have happened. But it had, and it was back to reality and time to face the music. Ariana did this to him, made him forget all the shit in his life. 

Ariana went and opened the door just as he came out the bathroom. It was his mother. Her expressions were masked but there was the all to familiar fire in her eyes. She was boiling with anger inside. 

'Son, how are you feeling?' Elanor said nonchalantly. 

'I'm fine.' 

'What the fuck were you thinking, Aidan? Huh, that man is in a coma!'

'I'm not sorry, he nearly...' Aidan didn't want to say the crude word aloud. 'He nearly raped her. He deserved it. You know this isn't the first time that this has happened to her. Last time, it was Ariana who managed to save her and I couldn't have Alicia going through that again.'

'You better pray, that he doesn't die, otherwise, it's all on you. And stay away from Alicia. I mean it, Aidan.'


'Keep your distance and back the hell away. You're getting far too close because soon you're going to leave again. Disappear like you always do. No attachments remember. Alicia is to be kept out! I don't want you to destroy her like you do with everyone that comes into your life.' Venom exploded from Eleanor but she wasn't done yet. She turned to Ariana, who stood with a surprised, uncomfortable look. 'It applies to you to Miss Adams. Soon, my son's going to break your heart. I suggest you keep away from him. It's not like he's going to settle for you anyway.' His mother sneered at her. 

'Well, he already has.' Ariana retorted and his inside froze. Fuck. His mother could not know. No one could know. 

'What is that supposed to mean?' Elanor turned to Aidan with blazing eyes. 'What the fuck have you done?'

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