7. Ball

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The time for the ball had come. Arianna sat on her dressing table and looked at the dress handing on her wardrobe. The dress was one she had bought a couple of years earlier. She hadn't been able to take her eyes off it. She knew that she had to buy and it and she did. It was one thing that she had kept with her throughout all the moves and years. But she had never worn it. To be truthful, she never had an opportunity to wear it, that is until today. 

She got up and unzipped the transparent bag and felt the chiffon rose red dress. It was laced on the shoulders with a sheer laced back. Red, it felt too bold and outrageous, and with the design of the dress it was a contrast to herself in all ways possible. Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew that she was using it to prove a certain someone wrong.  It was dead wrong of her to do this; present herself in this way,  but this was just this once. Never again. 

Her nails were painted, and her make up done with her lips the same shade as her dress. Her hair was in a neat updo, with a few wisps of hair strands left out and a gold hairband made her hair shine more brighter. Arianna put on the soft dress and sighed. It was worth every penny. After having dressed up, she looked at herself in the full length mirror. She looked like a different person. The dress flowed beautiful against her body, showing off her slender figure. She looked taller in her gold platform heels and she felt an ooze of confidence fire inside her. She would enjoy herself tonight. 

The doorbell rang as she was putting on her golden necklace.It was Debra, her date for tonight, since Debra's boyfriend couldn't make it. The door opened and Debra gasped, removing her cream and golden mask. 

'Oh my God, who are you?' Arianna laughed at her shock expresion.

'Wow! You look freaking amazing!' Debra screeched in excitement as she came in. 'Give us a twirl.' and Arianna did. 

'You look pretty magnificent yourself.' and she did. Debra was dressed in a cream Grecian dress, which flowed beautifully, She looked like a Greek Goddess. 

After, Arianna drove them to the school. She was driving since she didn't drink. There were already mutiple glamourous cars parked. Why did people splash so much cash on a single day, she wondered?

'Aahh, i miss the days when i was a teenager. Prom and the dances. Back then it was limosines. Now its ferarri's and Lambouginies.' Debra sighed as they walked arm in arm up the grand staircase. 'How was it for you?'

'Erm, i was homeschooled, so never really had the chance.' 

'What! You've never been to a dance before? Well Cinderella, welcome to your first ball.' They laughed as they entered the hall. 

Aiden stepped out his car and went to open the door for Alicia.  Since, he had to attend the ball, he thought to chauffer Alicia and her date James. Background check had already been done. His father owned a wine busniess in France and his mother was an ex-model. Busniessman and ex-model, the cliche couple.

Aiden pushed his thoughts aside, but it soon turned to the Ice queen. By his word, or more correctly,his threat, she had been made to attend. It was clear that she refrained from such events and understood why. She simply didn't fit in.  He wondered how she'd dress in this occassion and muffled a laugh. Most likely in a shapeless dress and looking as causual as possible. Aiden was surprised as he walked into the hall. It looked like a magical winter wonderland. The band were laying their instruments and the caterers were serving the food. The room was filled with people talking and dancing. 

Immediately, his eyes caught a women dressed in an eye-catching red. Her back was facing him as she spoke to a group of people. Who was this, he wondered as he grabbed a drink from the passing waiter. It was punch, of course alcohol free. She looked sideways at someone, and he caught her gold mask and rosy red coloured lips. The mask was doing a good job of masking her identity. She kept looking around, as if she was distracted by something or someone else. 

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