Kili x Reader - One Prank Too Many

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It's been too long since I uploaded last....I'm sorry.


'Leave me alone' was the last thing you had said to the company before leaving that day. The last thing you had said to them all day in fact. They'd not seen you this quiet throughout the entire journey and they all seemed very worried about you. They understood your outburst and the anger you had felt. But they thought you would have brushed it off and gotten over it by now. They were wrong.

That morning when you had awoken, it hadn't been a pleasant awakening at all. The thing that had caused you to open your eyes was the tugging on your leg. Moving yourself to a sitting position, you looked down to see a piece of rope tied around your ankle, reaching to investigate further, brushing the sleep out of your eyes with one hand and pulling the rope with the other. With a heavy tug to the rope, you took off, being dragged across camp, and several other members of the company, you were pulled, whatever was on the other end of the rope leading you straight for the tree line. Trying to think quickly, you pulled the dagger from its place on your waist and slashed at the rope. The dagger wasn't as sharp as it had once been and so took a few hard thrusts before it managed to cut you free of the hold, your body still sliding a couple of meters at the pure force of how quick you had been going.

You landed hard against a rock, your entire side throbbing with pain at the sudden impact. You let out a yelp, clutching your side instantly before looking around the camp. Everyone appeared to be just as shocked as you were at the rude awakening, all except for one particular dark haired dwarf stood to the side of camp, his hand clamped around the reigns of your pony, which he petted softly to calm it down. So that had been what you were tied to. Your nostrils flare and when Kili meets your eye, he gulps with regret. You leap up, practically storming across the camp and snatch the reigns from his hands, jabbing an accusatory finger into his chest. It takes you a moment to put together some words, but when you do, they are venomous.

'You're pathetic and so are your pranks. I'm sick of being the butt of all your jokes and if you come anywhere near me again, I won't hesitate to remove your head from your shoulders you weasel.' You snarl, turning to see the rest of the company looking both amused and scared simultaneously.

'As for the rest of you...' you pause and your face reddens.

'LEAVE ME ALONE' you scream and, with your pony following behind you, march around the camp and towards the forest where you would begin your journey this morning.

And they had left you alone. Nobody had spoken to you, not even once. Ori had ridden next to you for an hour of the journey, but had decided to leave you to your thoughts when he realised that he would not be striking up a conversation with you.

The company had stopped for a break about half way through the day and you had decided to stay with the ponies, keeping your head down and not making eye contact with any of the others. You didn't want them to think you were over what had happened.

The thing was, you didn't mind the pranks and joking around. You welcomed it as it often reminded you of home and normal life before the journey began. However, recently, Kili had taken it upon himself to pull the worst and most tedious pranks that he could think of and you were quickly growing tired of them all being directed in some way, at you. You began to grow bored of the same small tricks he would play; sneaking up on you, making you believe that your pony had run away, other small things like that. But they'd grown now into even bigger pranks, more annoying and more devious. The other day, he somehow managed to hide worms in your bag, the day before that you had found twigs in your soup. It was getting ridiculous and less funny by the day.

Kili had taken to riding towards the back of the company and was the last to dismount, opting to leave you alone and walk to his brother who raised a brow at the younger dwarfs sour expression.

'What's the matter?' Fili asks knowingly. Kili rolls his eyes before responding.

'It was only a joke. I don't know why she took it so seriously.' With that he throws his hands up and takes a seat beside his brother, who smirks at Kili's frustration.

'Have you thought that maybe Y/N no longer wants to be pranked? You do seem to be taking extra measures to ensure that she's always involved somehow or another' Fili muses and Kili huffs.

'How else am I supposed to get her attention?' Kili asks without thinking and instantly feels his cheeks turning pink when he realises what he's said. Fili, being on the ball, has already fixed his brother with a raised brow and a smirk.

'Well that explains it. Although, I think maybe speaking to her would have done the trick Kee' Fili's tone is gentle and playful which only serves to frustrate Kili more.

'Trust me Kili, she's clearly tired of the tricks and games. Just talk to her. Maybe that talk could possibly start with an apology?' Fili suggests and Kili hums in agreement.

'Maybe. I'll give her some more time to cool off. I really don't want my head removing from my shoulders' he mutters and Fili chuckles softly at his brothers childish behaviour.

You were feeding your pony that evening when Kili finally plucked up the courage to approach you. Cautiously, he stepped over the log to the side of the make shift paddock and stood beside you for a moment, shuffling to make his presence known. You'd noticed the moment he came stumbling through the entry of the camp, his feet too big for his body as always.

He clears his throat and steps up closer to you.

'Y/N' he begins and you cut him off with a harsh stare.

'Unless you're about to apologise and explain your actions this morning then I suggest you go back to the others, I'm not in the mood' you spit and he gulps, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

'I was actually coming to say I'm sorry' he begins to fiddle with his fingers as he speaks and you huff in annoyance.

'Your apology means nothing to me if you can't even look me in the eye' you quip, raising a brow and putting your hand on your hip. He looks agitated but you push anyway.

'Y/N, I'm sorry for this morning. That...that prank was too far and I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry for upsetting you' his voice conveys confidence and you nod in approval when he's finished and looks to the ground.

'Your apology is provisionally accepted' you reply and his head snaps up.

'What do you mean by 'provisionally'?' He asks and you shake your head in mock.

'I'm not going to let you off just because you said sorry. You shouldn't have done it and though I appreciate your apology, you haven't promised me you won't do anything like that again. So provisionally, I accept your apology. But if this or anything like this happens again, I will personally hunt you and kill you' you explain, smiling when his eyes widen.

Kili stands for a moment, awkwardly shuffling, his hands tapping against each other.

'Something on your mind Kee?' You gently ask, seeing the uncertainty in his eyes. He shakes his head, no, turning to walk away before spinning round again to face you. Your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

'I just wanted to get your attention' once the words leave his mouth, his face becomes even more nervous. You decide to shock him even more when the next words leave your mouth.

'You already had it'...

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