Thorin X Reader - Requested - Respect

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Thorin x reader

Bilbo was such a gentle being. He never said anything that would hurt or upset anyone and that's why you enjoyed his company.

You were both outsiders when joining Thorin on his quest to reclaim Erebor. For the most part, the other Dwarves had accepted you. Maybe that was a push. They tolerated you. Some of them made effort to talk to you both and you'd become fond of Fili and Kili and the strong bond they had with each other. And the others just went with the flow of day to day life. Sometimes that included small talk, sometimes that included complete silence. And you were fine with that because you understood that's just how they worked. And when they didn't talk to you, you could always rely on Bilbo for conversation.

There was one member of the company however, who seemed to take great pleasure in making sarcastic comments and throwing degrading words at Bilbo and yourself. Words you were growing tired and annoyed with. Bilbo was adamant that Thorin was just that type of person and kept reassuring you, telling you to think nothing of it. But that was becoming impossible as you saw the way he spat orders at Bilbo and made snide remarks about the Hobbit not belonging in the company.

It had been 2 months now since the start of this so called adventure, and Thorin was just getting worse. His comments harsher and crueller. You had set up camp for the night and were sat against a log next to Bilbo who was telling you about his garden at the Shire. You smiled at the pride in his eyes as he spoke.

'I'm sure it won't be long before you are back in your armchair Bilbo' you say to him, a hushed tone so as not to disturb those who had already gone to sleep for the night. Bilbo smiled at you. He knew you were trying to keep his spirits up. You were good at reassuring and he appreciated having someone positive around for those days when he felt all too heavy with pessimism. You heard before you saw Thorin approaching and Bilbo dropped his head, falling silent.

'Go and help Bofur' Thorin spits, standing tall and proud above where you and Bilbo were sitting. The smirk on his face when he looked down at you made you flush with anger. Bilbo stands to obey but you grab his arm.

'Say please' you spit, looking Thorin directly in the eye. His face falls as shock captures his expression and it's your turn to smirk. His mouth falls open slightly but you interrupt before he can say anything.

'Say please, and we will go and help Bofur. But until then, I'll stay right here thank you' you reiterate with a hard glare and Thorins nostrils flare.

'How dare you-..' he begins but you cut him off once again, rising to your feet and facing him.

'I do dare. I dare you to be nice to us for once in this entire bloody journey. You pride yourself in being a bully Thorin. In picking on the little guys. We didn't have to come on this 'quest'. We chose to help you because we are good, honest, kind people. And I'd have thought somebody who claims to have had the hardest of pasts would appreciate when someone offers them help off their own backs' by the end of your speech your almost shouting, the entire company looking at you, looking between you and Thorin in fear of what may come next. From behind you Bilbo tries to grab your arm, muttering.

'Y/N, please, it's fine. Leave it' he tries to whisper to you but you pull your arm away.

'No Bilbo, it's not fine. Not at all. And it won't be happening any longer. I'm sick of the way Thorin speaks to us. As if we were nothing compared to him. As if we were dirt. I won't let this continue to happen. Respect is something that is earned. And as far as I'm concerned, Thorin has earned anything but my respect. If this is how he treats anybody slightly different to him, maybe he isn't the rightful king after all' you finish, giving Thorin one final glare before turning on your heel and marching to the forest behind camp.

You kicked the mud under your boots, mumbling under your breath about the arrogance of dwarves. Your anger hadn't calmed a bit, even after doing a lap of the small clearing. So you did another. And another. After your 4th lap, you decided to return to camp, sure that the rest of the company would have gone to sleep and you could sneak back in easily.

You had forgotten one major flaw in your plan however. The person on watch. And it just so happened that, on this very night, the mighty Thorin Oakenshield had taken it upon himself to take first watch. You saw him as you approached camp, sat up against the log that you had been sat at before your outburst earlier. With a gulp and a huff, you attempt to walk straight past him.

'Y/N' a whisper calls you back.

You freeze and slowly turn, red encasing your cheeks as you try to avoid looking directly at Thorin. You stand with your head bowed, playing with your fingers as you await what was most likely going to be the last conversation you would ever have with the king under the mountain.

'Sit with me. Please' he whispers again, but his voice seems...gentle? You slowly look up at him, eyebrows scrunching together as he inclines his hand to the seat beside him. You internally sigh and slowly take the seat next to him. Leaving room between you both so as making an escape easy. An awkward silence falls as you sit beside him for a few moments.

'You were right' he finally breaks the silence, tearing you from your gaze into the fire. You look at him in shock before recovering and staring back to the fire.

'I'm not usually wrong' you quip and a small smile graces his lips as he looks to the sky. You turn to look at him again, admiring his jaw bone and the way the moon light accentuates the blue in his eyes.

'I'm trying to apologise' he retorts, lowering his head to look at you with a raised brow. You mirror his expression replying with 'I'm trying to hear it'.

'I knew I'd be meeting my match when you joined us' he sighed jokingly.

'Match met. Now when exactly were you going to say you were sorry' you push, quickly feeling comfortable with being a little rebellious.

'Right now. I am sorry. You made a valid point. I haven't been kind to either of you. And I could have been more accepting of the help that you offered. Not many would do that for my people' he explains and you see the sadness take over his face, clearly remembering harder times.

'I'm not asking for a royal welcome Thorin. I don't mind if you're moody with me. But Bilbo is so kind, so honest. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this. Especially not when this is a big enough experience for him anyway. He deserves a little bit of respect' you whisper to him, noting the camp all sleeping now and not wanting to wake anyone.

Thorin looks at you, taking in what you had said and a smile graces his features.

'You're different Y/N' he utters and you frown.

'How so?' You ask and he shakes his head.

'Not many people would put me in my place for a start' he begins and you chuckle.

'But you see the good in everyone. Somehow. Enough to defend what is right anyway' he explains and you shrug.

'I've just been raised in a cruel world. When I find something pure, I protect it. Because it's so rare' you mumble, a yawn leaving you as you stretch your arms. Thorin hums.

'You should sleep' he says but you shake your head.

'I'm waiting for a certain king to make me a promise' you manage to say, grogginess taking over your words.

'And what would that promise be?' He muses, mischief in his tone.

'That he will try to open his mind to the good in the world. Because it is still there. It just takes a little bit of searching' you reply and watch as his face falls to a solemn seriousness.

'I promise' he whispers, his eyes looking directly into your own as he makes his vow. You nod, smiling victoriously.

'Well, on that note then, I'm going to bed' you stand and walk off, heading for your bedroll.

'I expect an apology for Bilbo in the morning too' you call over your shoulder, turning to look and watching as he raises his hand in surrender.

'Anything for you not to shout at me in front of everyone again' he calls gently back.

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