Bard x Reader, Prompt 'is that really a risk you're willing to take?'

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You listened intently, your ear pressed closely to the wood of the door to your home. You had been sent to buy vegetables this morning, ushered out of the door by your mother. Upon your return, however, you had heard noise from inside the house and once you distinguished the voice of your mother, father and Alfrid? You had decided to listen from outside before making your presence known.


Is that really a risk you’re willing to take?’ Alfrids nasally voice rang through the house and you cringed.


‘Whatever do you mean?’ your mother questioned, concern in her voice. You could feel the smug look on Alfrid’s face when he spoke again.


‘Men in this town are immature. You won’t find a good, sensible man within these lands that is Y/N’s age. But maybe…I could help…’ he trails off and you feel the breathe catch in your throat, holding a hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet.


‘I would like to propose an offer. An arranged marriage, between myself and your lovely daughter, Y/N’ there’s a pause once Alfrid has announced his intentions. Your eyes widen when the silence continues and you realise that the situation your parents are in, they will probably accept on your behalf.


‘I could look after her, provide for her. My position with the Master means she could have anything she wanted whenever she wanted. And you, of course, would be looked after. I would see to it myself’ he declares boldly and you can’t catch the snigger that escapes your mouth, instantly realising your mistake when the front door opens and your are greeted by the audience of your parents and Alfrid.


‘Ah, Y/N, how lovely to see you’ Alfrid’s slimy voice calls to you and you glare at him, entering the house and putting down the basket of food on the table.


‘What’s this?’ you asks innocently, waiting for someone to fill you in.


‘Well, Alfrid has come to us with a proposition. He wants to help us…by taking your hand’ your mother stutters, knowing immediately how you would react. Your cheeks flame and your fists clench.


‘I hope you told him where he can stick his offer’ you spit. Your father frowns and your mother looks to her feet. Realisation dawns and your temper flares.


‘You cannot be serious’ you cry out, an incredulous look in your eyes as you search the room for comfort. Alfrid has a smug grin plastered to his face as he approaches you and you see red instantly. You raise your fist, thrusting your knuckles into his jaw, beginning to run out of the house before Alfrid had even hit the ground.


Your mind raced and you thought about all of the places you could go, none of them being safe enough that Alfrid wouldn’t find you.

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