Fili x Reader - 3 'Im breaking so many of the rules to be here'

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So, hi guys! Another upload! Please remember to send in requests. I'm literally open to writing anything with whoever youd like😊

Hope you like❤❤


You’d spent the last half an hour listening to the rocks hit your window. Tiny pattering as they fell down the wall. And then silence. Until the next one was thrown.

You knew he was there. You knew he was trying desperately to get your attention. But you had no desire to speak to him right now, or for the foreseeable future.

‘Y/N’ he tries to whisper, but his voice betrays him and it comes out as more of a shout. You roll your eyes and go to open the curtains, looking through the window and at his sorrowful expression.

‘Go away Fili’ you sigh, turning to head back to your chair by the fire place.

‘Wait’ he calls and you pause. You look over your shoulder and watch amusedly as he assesses the ivy growing up the side of the wall. He takes a step towards the green plant and begins attempting to climb it, except his weight betrays him and every time he thinks he finds a foot hole, he ends up falling through it. He manages to get about a foot off the ground before you burst into laughter.

‘Stop..stop. Stop! I’ll come and open the door’ you giggle and hurry down the stairs to open the door. He waits for you on the other side, a relieved smile appearing on his face when he sees you step to the side to allow him entrance. He creeps past you, a bashful red colouring his cheeks.

‘I should have told you, I know. But you can’t be mad at me now’ he rushes out, taking a seat at the kitchen table and looking expectantly at you. You quirk your brow and rest your hand on your hip.

‘And why is that?’ you question and he grins.

‘Because I made you laugh’ Fili responds and you roll your eyes.

‘I can still be mad’ you argue and he shakes his head.

‘No, you can’t Y/N. It is my job to make you happy. I made you laugh, therefore, mission successful’ he quips, a knowing smirk on his face. You roll your eyes again but feel the smile forming on your own face.

‘I suppose I just can’t stay mad at you can I?’ you answer back and his grin widens.

‘No, you can’t. So stop being mad and just accept that I am right’ he says playfully.

‘You silly dwarf’ you whisper as he gets up and moves to stand infront of you, hands resting on your hips.

‘Your silly dwarf though’ he mumbles back and kisses your forehead. You play with the tie on his tunic and sigh.

‘It does not take away from the fact that you should have told me’ you keep your quiet tone and you feel his body relax when he is sure that you won’t pull away.

‘I know amralime, I know. I’m sorry’ he speaks into your hair, the words defined but softened. You lean up and rest on your chin on his shoulder, your hands laying on his chest as his hands encircle your waist and pull you closer.

‘How did you get out? I thought Thorin wasn’t allowing anyone to leave the company after what Bilbo did?’ you ask after a moment of content silence. Fili sucks in air and tenses.

I’m breaking so many of the rules to be here’ he says hurriedly and you lean back to look at his face, disapproval etched on your features.

‘I had to come and apologise and sort this out. If I had left without seeing you, I don’t think I would have made the journey’ he admits and you take is face in your hands, placing a kiss on his forehead.

‘No, you wouldn’t have. Because if you had left here without even trying to resolve this, I would have followed you and killed you myself’ you say whilst brushing your nose against his. He squeezes your waist causing you to squeal.

‘I know you would. We can’t have the future king being killed by the future queen now can we?’ to which you shake your head.

‘It is a good job that the future king isn’t completely stupid’ you quip back and he leans further into you.

‘Indeed’ he whispers before pressing his lips to yours gently. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

You weren’t sure what Thorin would do if he found out that Fili had snuck away, but you sure as hell weren’t going to let Fili leave tonight without a proper goodbye.

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