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Y/N awoke to the sun filtering gently through the moth eaten blinds, realising that she had fallen asleep fully clothed, still on her bare mattress. She shuffled slightly, groaning with sleep and turning over to block out the sun. She began to softly drift back to sleep when she heard a sudden clunking and coughing sound coming from her sleek wooden doorframe. She turned over drowsily, sleep in her eyes, hair knotted and messy, in a ratty, holed t-shirt-

"Mr Styles! Wh-what the hell are you doing in my room!", Y/N yelped, springing from her bed and hopelessly trying to control the bird's nest that sat atop her head. She fiddled with the edge of her t-shirt, smoothing her rough jeans and wiping her mouth, desperately attempting to make herself presentable. Then, a small thought popped into her mind.

Why should you care how you look in front of him, Y/N? You shouldn't be trying to impress him, after all, he's your teacher not your boy-

"Uhh, sorry to intrude, Y/N - but we have class in 20 minutes, I just thought I should let you know...you know? I- uh, wouldn't want you to miss any ... Shakespeare ..."

He cleared his throat, running his hand through his wild, unbrushed decadent chocolate locks. Y/N pondered why it had taken him so long to stumble through a simple statement.

"It's a school day today! Fuck, I completely forgot!", Y/N exclaimed, quickly pushing her use of profanities aside as she quickly strode towards the door. She shut it quickly in his face. She threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a sweater and fastened her red Converses to her feet.

Running into the adjoining bathroom, she threw on some mascara and brushed both her teeth and hair simultaneously.

When she opened the door a second time, swinging it open with force, Mr Styles was still standing there, tall, in a wrinkled suit with his hair falling gently over his bright green eyes. His tie was loose and undone around his neck. 

Although she hated to admit it, Y/N felt her heart when their eyes met, and in an instant her problems melted away, almost like trails of melted sugar.

"You waited for me?"

"Yes - it seems I did. Look, why don't you let me drive you to school today? I want to apologise for what happened last night." he said, his eyes burning into hers as he fixed his tie. They were locked, eye to eye, for no particular reason - each refusing to lose the staring game. Y/N looked like a venus flytrap; paused with her mouth open, shrinking with each passing second as she matched the deep intensity of his gaze.

"Something wrong?" he said, cocking his head slightly. 

Y/N blinked and shook her head, straightening her gaze and snapping out of her trance like state. Curse those eyes for being so deep and mysterious. She needed an excuse - what on Earth was he to think the staring was about?

"Oh, uh, it's nothing sir ... just, pardon - your tie?" she said quietly, gesturing towards his neck. 

"Oh! I didn't realise. Thanks for the reminder," he said, beginning to tousle the cloth into a knot around his neck. Y/N watched as his hands fumbled with the maroon fabric, and heard a tut escape from his lips as he couldn't seem to manage to secure it. He started over, frustrated this time-

"Here. Let me help."

Before Y/N knew what she was doing, she was out of the doorway and standing in front of him. His frame loomed over her, eyes glazed over with confusion and a hint of something else she couldn't quite decipher. Her fingers gently wove the fabric together, brushing against his rigid figure every so often. Her fingernails traced paths down his chest through the crisp white shirt. Y/N became increasingly aware of his heartbeat against his chest - it could only be described as a mile a minute. She felt his shallow breaths drifting down and misting the tip of her forehead as he watched her. 

Keep your eyes where they are.

After an eternity, she secured the knot and managed to pull it up, fixing it against his neck. He exhaled softly as she set it against his throat. Y/N's heart beat faster, and she made the awful mistake of looking into his eyes. They met hers, still glazed over - but squinted slightly at the corners, hinting at something else.

Something new.

But Y/N knew it well enough. This man was unreadable. 

She laid her hands at her sides, and managed to mumble out a "better?"  before shuffling backwards, shrinking into the doorframe once again. 

"Much better. Thank you" he said, staring blankly at the space next to Y/N. His eyes were unmoving.

"Now, about that ride?"

She felt every molecule in her body screaming at her to say no, creating an almost painful feeling. She knew how wrong this was, what it would look like, what it would suggest. She knew firmly, in her heart, the difference between right and wrong. And growing up on a farm, even where animal slaughter was considered the norm, she knew that this was wrong.

"Shotgun the stereo," she said, a smile playing on her lips. She ran out the door, ducking and weaving as she brushed past his taut frame. He let out a small laugh and spun around, lunging for the door handle.

"I swear to god, Y/N!" She heard his footsteps thundering down the hall behind her and erupted into laughter as she ran down the stairs to the car.

And for that second - just for a second,

Y/N could've sworn she felt normal.

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