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Y/N clutched the phone to her face, it's sterile white light creating a soft halo around her head.

"Sure Y/N, whaddya need?" Louis asked.

Y/N felt the tears prick in her eyes like small needles as she swallowed the threatening lump in her throat and replied.

"It's it's just that, it was really hard to earn enough money for rent when I'm just working at some crappy little restaurant and my landlord finally kicked me out because I wasn't paying on time ... so now,now I have no where I can go and I was just wondering if..."

Y/N's voice choked up and her body was overthrown by emotions. Her chest wracked with violent sobs as she cried into the receiver in the dark, empty living room that surrounded her like an ominous presence. In the midst of her tears, one image came to mind; his face, Mr Styles' face. The thought of their amazing night together, talking and laughing and sharing secrets, managed to calm her down and she started to slow her breathing and calm herself once again. That night, was everything to Y/N and a smile came to her face as she thought of it once again.

"Y/N, it's okay. Look, it's much better to face these things with a sense of poise and rationality. You can come stay with me, so long as you don't mind my roomate, but he's a really good friend of mine." Louis said.

Y/N felt a surge of relief flood her body and she took a seat on her couch, at peace with the thought of knowing she had a place to stay. She smiled softly, yet felt a twang of sadness at the thought of leaving her apartment. Over the years, she had made it her own, and it was like a sanctuary to Y/N now. A place where she could gather her thoughts, cry, laugh, relax, and just general space where she could be herself. She sighed sadly but pulled herself together with the thought that she at least had a roof over her head, and could stay in the city, rather than having to return to the countryside.

"Thanks Louis." She said with a grateful tone, before hanging up the phone and laying her head down on the soft cushions of the couch. As she quickly fell asleep, the prospect of packing her things and moving out after school tomorrow loomed over her like a thick, black cloud, just waiting to rain.

The early morning sun shone brightly through the holes in Y/N's curtains, breaking her from her deep slumber. She arose from the couch, tossed her hair into a messy bun, got dressed, put on her favourite pair of Doc Martins and headed off to school. Despite having pretty good classes that day, Y/N just kept thinking of how she had to be gone, completely out of her apartment in two days. She felt overwhelmed and was still hurt from how Brendon, usually a nice and pleasant man, had treated her the previous night.

By the time she got to English, usually a class she was very excited to go to due to his presence, she felt down and unmotivated. Taking a seat, she looked down at her desk and again, thoughts of moving and having to leave a place that was truly hers plagued her mind. She felt the sadness and anxiety bubble up inside of her, and before she could even try to stop them, the tears were spilling out of her faster than they ever had before. Although she tried, her muffled sobs could still be heard from those around her and she quickly drew attention. Her classmates stared at her, some confused, some worried. She tried to keep her head down and told herself to shut up, but the sobs kept coming. She was about to reach for the tissue in her pocket when she felt a soft touch on her shoulder.

She looked up to see Mr Styles' warm, comforting face staring back at her with concern.

"C'mon," He said gently. 'Let's go outside and talk."

Y/N nodded meekly, happy to finally have someone who she felt comfortable to talk to willing to help her.

They walked side by side out of the classroom and into the hall. Mr Styles looked at Y/N with pity and sadness, and his decadent chocolate curls fell delicately in front of his face. He pushed them back and began to speak.

"Talk to me Y/N, you can tell me anything. What's wrong? I'm sure there's something I can do to help."

The words filled Y/N with a warm feeling of comfort and joy.

She sniffled before choking out "It's okay, I-I just got evicted from my apartment last night. I'm moving in with my brother and his roommate but it's just a bit daunting. I mean, I'm just going to miss the place. I practically grew up as a teenager there."

Mr Styles nodded understandingly and placed his hand on her shoulder. Y/N felt like she was flying, with just that touch a warm feeling of euphoria and utter elevation spread through her body and overtook her senses. As she looked into her eyes, she realised this wasn't just a crush, she was in love. With her teacher. She gazed deeply into his eyes and for the first time since Brendon had yelled at her, she felt happy.

"I get it Y/N, it's scary. But it's going to be okay. Trust me, it will. And if you have any problems just come to me."

Y/N smiled with thanks as she studied each perfect detail of his face.

"When do you have to be out by?" he questioned.

"In two days, but I still have to do a shift at the restaurant tonight so I won't be able to pack as soon as I want to." Y/N replied.

"Ok, well if you have any problems, you have my school email so please Y/N, please don't hesitate to contact me." Mr Styles said, a look of concern and pity on his face.

They headed back inside and Y/N took a seat. Although she would normally be embarrassed by her peers staring at her, looking at him and seeing his knowing smile directed at her kept her spirits high for the whole lesson. By the time the bell rang, she walked out of the classroom and mouthed a silent "thanks" to Mr Styles as she left. He smiled back at her and her heart skipped a beat, overtaken by emotion. She walked in a happy daze out of the school to her car and got in. Although she would normally be unmotivated and upset to go to work, she felt as if the world had just turned vibrant with colour and all of a sudden became a paradise of love and warmth.

It's amazing how love can change a person's life.

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