Chapter 7

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Silverstar's P.O.V:

Silverstar padded out of the nursery and yawned as she padded to the fresh kill pile for a bite to eat.

Shadedmoon and Alani were still in the nursery, catching up. Shadedmoon had explained that she had saved Alani's life twice. From a forest fire and a pack of foxes. She also showed her powers to Silverstar. She had ice and snow powers during Leaf-bare and earth powers during Greenleaf. Silverstar had asked if both of them would like to join and Shadedmoon agreed. The meeting would be held as soon as possible.

Stormflame trotted up to Silverstar and meowed, "I played a game with the kits and Goldkit won. She acted very strange when she did... Loud."

Silverstar shrugged, "Ignore it, everyone needs a little confidence in life."

"I suppose." Stormflame licked Silverstar's cheek and sat down beside her, "So what's up with Shadedmoon and Alani?"

"They'll be joining the clan." Silverstar smiled and purred, "Shadedmoon also has powers."

Stormflame nodded, "Nice."

Silverstar nodded, "Want to share?" She nudged her shrew to Stormflame. He nodded took a bite.


Clearlight's P.O.V:

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Hightree for a clan meeting!" Silverstar voice rang out around the camp as she called for a clan meeting. Once everyone was gathering, she began.

"We have two new cats joining us today. Shadedmoon, welcome to Lightclan. You will be a warrior." The clan cheered Shadedmoon's name and Clearlight joined in. When the cheering died down, Silverstar continued, "Alani please step forwards. From this moment on you shall be known as Autumnkit!"

Everyone cheered Alani's new name and Silverstar ended the meeting. Clearlight decided to send out a hunting patrol.


Nutwhisker's P.O.V:

The moon shone brightly that night. Nutwhisker decided to stay at camp and visit Waterfly in the elders den. He trotted inside and greeted his old mentor with a small, respectful nuzzle.

He sat down as the other elders slept and whispered, "How are things here in the elders den?"

Waterfly shrugged, her long dark blue fur sleek and shiny. "It gets a little boring at times. But otherwise okay. I get to rest all day and boss apprentices around!" She joked quietly. "Foxpaw gets especially mad when I tell him to hurry up. He once said I'm horrible now that I'm an elder, but I don't mind. I suppose I am a bit mean..." she trailed off just as Slowsky stirred and blinked her amber eyes open.

"What's all the racket about?" Her voice was quiet and raspy. Nutwhisker made a mental note to give her some honey for her throat.

Waterfly shrugged, "Just catching up with Nutwhisker. Want to join us?"

Slowsky rolled her eyes but nodded, "Sure, okay." She shuffled closer, "So tell me about the new cats. Are they nice?"

Nutwhisker nodded, "Shadedmoon and Autumnkit are fitting in nicely with the others and I have a feeling they will thrive here."

Slowsky smiled, "That's good."

"Yes." Waterfly agreed with a glance at Slowsky.

Then Bigstep grumbled in his sleep and rolled onto Slowsky's paw. The old she cat yelped and Bigstep sat up abruptly, alert. He saw his mate, Slowsky, holding her paw up in annoyance and quickly meowed a, "Sorry, " before glancing at Nutwhisker, "Can you check her paw?"

Nutwhisker didn't expect anything to be wrong with Slowsky's paw but he shrugged anyway and leaned forward to examine the elder's paw. There was no sign of any injures of any kind. In fact, Slowsky's paw looked very well groomed; her claws weren't damaged at all, her paw pads were soft and pink and the fur around the paw was clean and shiny. It seemed that the elders took pride in the cleanliness of their paws.

"Your paw is perfectly fine, no problems at all." Nutwhisker smiled and sat back down in front of the elders.

They chatted some more about clan life and what not until Cloudwhisp, the last elder, woke up. The white and grey furred tom sniffled and coughed a bit before turning to glance around the den blankly. "Can't you keep your voices down? I'm trying to sleep!"

Nutwhisker sighed, "Sorry Cloudwhisp. I'll leave now." He got to his paws and waved good bye with his tail before trotting outside into ths crisp night air.



Super short chapter I am so sorry! Writer's block *~*

See you later, readers!

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