Chapter 20

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"Are you sure your ok with babysitting? I mean we don't have to go out," I said as I put on a jacket looking at Artemis Wally who each held a twin.

"Well be fine I promise," Artemis reassured with a smile. "I babysit Jade and Roy's kid all the time,"

"But I mean-"

"Babe come on they will be fine, plus you and I haven't had alone time in so long," he practically moaned the last sentence out like it took so much energy.

"Ha see that Blake, your cock blockin your daddy," Wally said it in a baby voice making Dicks face scrunch in irritation.

"Wally I swear to g-"

"You know maybe we should get going," I said hastily. Stepping forward I kissed them both on the head before dragging Dick out while shouting a good luck to the happy couple.

Once outside Dick wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked down the deserted street and into an alley way where a zeta beam had been placed. Stepping next to it I raised an eyebrow at Dick.

"So where are we going?"

"Well I was thinking maybe we could just go home, we haven't had time to ourselves in so long," he whispered in my ear softly while pulling my hips closer to his. A mischievous smile came over my lips as leaned forward to kiss him.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea my love,"

"This is going to be great," he practically moaned but not like before this was the sound of a deprived man finally getting what he wanted.


"Are you kidding me!" A voice shouted woke me from my peaceful slumber. "We baby sat your kids so that you two could go home and sleep? Sleep!"

"Hey you try raising twins and getting sleep and then come and tell me that it isn't the best idea for date night since fuckin anger sex!" I hissed out watching from my peripheral vision I saw Dick nod his head in agreement.

"Well it is noon so here are your children," Artemis said with an airy laugh as she laid a very awake grace in my arms and Blake in Dicks. "They were perfect by the way, you two are great parents," she said the last bit softer before giving us a grin and grabbing Wally on the way.

"I still can't believe they waisted their free night to sleep! I'd be all over you!" A thud was heard after Wally finished his sentence. "Ow! What the hell Arty!" Serves him right I thought to myself with a grin imagining her smacking him across the back of his head.

Once I heard the door shut I gave a little laugh.

"Well Wally was right you were all over me at first,"

"Hey it's not my fault! Between patrolling and the kids I am tired," he defended with a pout that I quickly kissed away before standing and bouncing Grace on my hip.

"We were in the middle of sex and you fell asleep on top of me," I said with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry but don't men normal wake up when their wife even says something remotely close to sex,"

"We do," he whined while letting Blake tug on his growing hair while standing on Dicks lap.

"Next time you fall asleep when we are doing it I'm going to kick you out of the apartment and make you bunk with the kids at the cave," his eyes widened when he saw the truth in my eyes as I gave him a sassy grin before going out to make Blake and Graces lunch.

"It won't happen again I swear!" He yelled out behind me. "And if it helps I fell asleep dream of you," he said with a laugh invading his voice.

"Oh my own personal Romeo," I said with an eye roll even though I knew he couldn't see it. "How did mommy get so lucky Grace?" I said sarcastically with a raise of my eye brow. All she did was giggle at me making my smirk turn into a full grin. "How did I get so lucky," I said softer as I looked at my beautiful little girl with a smile before leaning forward. "Kisses for mommy?" I coped as she leaned forward giving me one of her adorable little kisses.

"Thank you my little warrior,"


Sorry I haven't updated in forever most of you are reading my prequel which I have been working on so that's where my writing time had been going but I'm being better with time management so sorry for the wait on this one!!

5 points to who ever finds my reference to my prequel!

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