Chapter 7

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I felt a drop of water on my cheek and I woke up. We were still in the field and we must've fell asleep. It was sprinkling.

I woke Liam up.

"Liam babe, it's raining, we have to go" I said lightly shaking him.

"Huh? What?" he said startled, getting up.

"It's starting to rain" I said as the sprinkles turned into full rain drops and started falling faster.

I grabbed my flowers and put my hand in his. We started running towards the car.

When we got to the car it was looting down rain.

"Oh forget it", I said, "let's just live for the moment".

I wrapped my hands around his neck, the flowers still in my grasp. He leaned me gently against his car and started kissing me. His soft warm hands on my shoulders. Liam leaned down, my back resting on the car. It was soaked, but I didn't care. I always wanted a kiss in the rain and now I got one.

"I love you" he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too Li" I mumbled back.

He kissed me one more time, then we got in the car. When Liam started the car, we both looked at the clock. Shit, it was already 5:30. I only had a few hours left with him.

"Dinner?" Liam asked me.

I smiled and said "Yes".

He smiled back as we drove to my favorite Italian restaurant. We both ordered spaghetti.

"I might not get to see you next weekend babe..." he said.

I looked up from my food.

"We're starting interviews again and we have one Saturday. Then you have your game Sunday, I just don't know..." he trailed off.

I reached across the table and held his hand, rubbing circles on it with my thumb. "Li babe. It's okay, we've gone months without seeing each other before, two weeks is enough for me to wait for you".

He looked up at me. "I just...", he sighed, "I'm just going to miss you. I'll be all alone this weekend, and you've been over every weekend since school started again. And you lived with me this summer, I'm just going to miss you".

"I'll miss you too babe. And I actually have a surprise for you".

He looked into my eyes. "What?"

"Our coach said that today's game ended up being our last one, cause we didn't make it to the finals".



I could see Liam's eyes filling up with tears of happiness.

"I love you so much" he chuckled.

Liam drove me to my dorm. He got out of the car and walked me to my door. He took his hands in mine.

"I know I've been saying this almost every week, but I'm gonna miss you" he said.

"I'll miss you too Li, so do you think that you can pick me up on Friday?"

"If you wanna wait behind stage for our interview, you can come this weekend".

"YEY!" I said hugging him.

"Want me to pick you up at the same spot?"

"No, those guys will probably be there, just pick me up at my dorm".

"Okay" he said, leaning in to kiss me.

We stood there snogging for a minute or two.

"I wish I could just love with you here. Stupid university rules" he said.

"I do too. I'll miss you Li, I can't wait to see my little puppy again on Friday".

"And I can't wait to see my kitty" he said and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too".

I watched him walk back to his car. Once he got in, he blew a kiss to me, I blew one back.

I watched him slowly drive away until I couldn't see him anymore.

I already missed him.

I hate school so much. But I was glad that Liam offered up his time and money on me every week to come get me.

He hung out with his friend and the boys during the weekdays, and I have the weekends. We both promised each other that, unless we're together, we wouldn't go to parties or clubs. But it was all worth it when I saw his beautiful face at the end of each week.

I walked back inside and watched t.v until about ten and went to bed. I had a fucking early bird tomorrow and I didn't want to be tired and worn out for it.

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