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Kangjeon Aera was blissfully graced by the sweet sound of the sewing machine singing in her eardrums as she sat calmly, her very own white noise machine that rang sweetly in the air over the course of so many hours. The chair beneath her seemed to be moulded to her now as she worked so carefully, glasses perched in her nose though slowly slipping from the perpetual tilt of her head as she stared at the reels of fabric passing between her small fingers.

This was all Aera's senses had known for an immeasurable amount of time, the large cold and dimly lit dressing room turned office was windowless, each wall occupied with custom-built black panelled wardrobes to house her many creations. Aera knew not whether it was night or day outside, all she knew was the suit jacket she was holding, the material needing to come alive in a semblance of some wearable fashion before her manager came brooding back into the room to claim the item as her own.

Gia- an older woman who seemed perpetually trapped in her own youth was tough, her list of demands reeled through the workroom like a conveyer belt for Aera's attention- there was always something to be created; either for BTS, TXT or even one of the bosses. There wasn't a day where Aera wasn't busy and she'd long since grown accustomed to Gia flouting the collections proudly, sticking her name on them and deeming them her own invention despite the many hours of careful craftsmanship Aera had poured into them. But this was her dream job, this cold and desolate room with the soft sounds and unchanging stimuli was her happy place and she refused to risk that on standing defiant against her own boss- Aera didn't have a defiant bone in her slender body and she certainly wasn't going to find a sudden inspiration to break discipline anytime soon.

"I hope you do realise that it is four in the morning and we're the only ones here. This is certainly some sort of horror movie set up." A tired and disgruntled voice moped and for the first time in hours, Aera broke her trace from the device in front of her. She had spent her whole night and day custom making a denim jacket for Kim Taehyung, a man she had made countless outfits for though never met. He likely never knew nor ever wondered where the custom items appeared from. The girl had- under the order of Gia- hand-stitched patches in a deep purple-blue thread, creating a pretty mirage of colour to attach to his sleeve. Aera found herself hoping that he would like it and appreciate the effort spent though, at the same time, she was almost certain that he'd overlook the hours sewn into it.

Across the table from her now was Bae Jae-Geun who went exclusively by the name 'Jae' unless anybody seriously wished to suffer a terrible end. The man looked ready to fall back asleep where he sat, head weighing heavy in his palm. He too had been forced to stay overnight for Gia- Aera and Jae were the bosses favourite guinea pigs. Jae was tasked with creating an outfit for Kim Namjoon for their approaching music video but currently, the design was nothing more than a sheet of fabric with paper stencils pinned across thanks to him having dozed off continuously and Aera being too invested in her own piece to even notice.

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