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The doctors POV

I quickly flicked switch's and levers to get back as quick as I could. The TARDIS landed with its familiar sound. As it landed fully I quickly opened the TARDIS doors, I looked at the sun and seemed to be setting now. I looked around trying to figure out how to find Rose then I remembered the TARDIS can find her.

I quickly ran back in and loaded up the screen again to try and track her.
"Loading..." the same screen I saw when I was last here. Then the same grey birds-eye view of the town came up. It was a few seconds before the dark red trail appeared on the map of where Rose had been. I waited a little bit more as the trail went from dark red to normal red.

I followed the trail with my eyes on the dark red path till it stopped and I knew where she was. I took a mental note of where she was and left the TARDIS again. The thundering has stopped now, there was only the occasional flash in the sky.

I followed the paths I remembered I saw Rose had been on the screen till I came up to the place the trail stopped. I looked around outside the house. I looked through a window which I'm guessing was the kitchen window and saw a weird machine, it looked a little like the inside of the TARDIS. I then knew this was the house she was in. That machine must have been the one that protects the area from the  TARDIS.

I walked around the other side of the house looking for more windows. I almost missed a window that was pretty much on the ground. I kneeled down and looked in and saw Rose asleep, a feeling of joy and relief flew over me when I saw she was still alive.

First I got my sonic screwdriver out and tried to take the bars off the window. The buzzing of my sonic screwdriver woke Rose up. She turned around and looked at me. She smiled as I took the last bar off the window.
"Doctor." She whispers up at me.
"I'll get you out don't worry."
"I'm too weak I can hardly walk through."
"I'll think of something, I promise." She nods and smiles.

It was now pitch black and the moon was full, the only light we had was the light from the moon. But before I could do anything I heard a door open and Rose looked at me and smiled.
"Don't worry" she mouthed to me. Then a little girl turned the corner. The little girl looked at me and smiled like she knew who I was.
"Hey," I say to her but she doesn't reply, she just smiles.
"Emma listen to me, if I can't help you out now we will come back for you." Rose then turns to me waiting for an answer. I nod not knowing why this little girl needs help as well.
"Does your dad have anything else that might be critical to us?" Rose asks her.
"My dad has 2 kinds of injections, ones that knock people out and ones that kill people. Do you want me to try and change them around so instead of killing you he might just knock got out? He's killed people before with the dolls and the injections that kill people." Rose nods and before the girl leaves she quickly spoke up
"And if I'm not here when your done don't worry, I will be back." They smile at each other then the little girl leaves the room and helps us.

"Dolls that can kill people?" I ask
"I'll explain fully later but her dad can make exact copies of people in dolls, and they can feel the dolls pain, he has one of me so if anything happens to that I could be put at risk." She says
"Do you know how he did it?"
"No, it just scanned me when I first was taken here and then that same night he had a doll of me."

I quickly thought of ways I can help Rose out of the cell but only one idea came to my head.
"Can you at least stand up? Or is it just not possible at the moment?"
"I can now, last night I couldn't even stand up but I can just about stand now."

As she says that I notice shackles around her wrists. She instantly knew I noticed.
"Don't worry I have the key for it in my back pocket." She pulls out the key and unlocks the shackles. I heard the clicking sound of them unlocking and she took her wrists out of them. I also noticed a deep cut on her wrist.
"They were too tight." She says.

"I have an idea of how to help you out." She looks at me with joy.
"What's your plan?"
"I'm going to get in the cell with you and try and lift you up, it's probably the safest thing we can too," I say while hopping in the cell with her. But first I grab my sonic screwdriver and points it at her cut and turns the screwdriver on. The cuts then disappeared and she looked at me and smiled.
"Thanks," I nod in response and offer her a hand up.

She grips on my hands and looked me in the eyes.
"You need to try and pull yourself up," I ask her.
"I'll try," she nods. I put my arms around her and tried lifting her up, she grabbed the bottom of the window. I then push her up and she manages to just about to pull herself out.

I grab the bottom of the window and Rose puts out her hand offering to help, I grab her hand as she helps me out. As I pulled myself out the last bit Rose quickly pulled me into a hug. I wrap my arm around her in response.

Rose brakes the hug when we heard the door open.
"That's not Emma, I can tell." She quickly pulled me out of the way of the window.
"She's gone!" I heard someone shout. I knew we would be busting in a minute so we had to go and move from where we were. We sat down without backs against the wall and waited for the right time to run.

When we heard the door close we both knew this was our chance. I stood up and held my hand out to help Rose up. She stood up and almost fell again. I grabbed her quickly and she grips onto my arms and I looked her in the eye.
"You were still weak aren't you?" She nods but doesn't say anything. "Why didn't you just tell me? We could have thought of a better way to get you out without tiring you out too much." She looks at me with fear in her eyes, like there was something else behind all of this. Then I remembered she seemed scared before we left for this adventure.
She then fell into my arms and picked her up in my arms quickly and took her back to the TARDIS.

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