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The Doctor's POV

I managed to fall asleep which I was surprised about, sleeping isn't normally a timelord thing. It seemed to be daytime now so I slept for a while. I tried thinking of different ways I can get out of here, I needed to go and save Rose. There was a little hole at the top of the cell. I tried to work out if I could get through it but it was a little too small. I thought about trying to dig it out a little but I could easily get caught but knew if I couldn't get any other way this would be the last thing I try to do.

I tried to find and work out a way to get out and sneak past the guard dog, but I don't think it was possible. I pulled my sonic screwdriver out and scanned the dog trying to see if there was any way of making it so I can sneak past the dog but before I could do anything it jumped up at me and grabbed my sonic screwdriver right out of my hands and sat back down where it was before.
"Oi give me that back," I said quickly to the dog, but it just turned its head at me and growled, I stood back as it turned its head back around.

I sat back down and lent on the dirt and fell back into the dirt a little, it seemed to be covered over with dirt from probably the last person's attempt to escape. I thought about trying to carry on and use that to escape with but I knew that I would easily get caught doing that as well. I looked into the corner of the room and saw some bones, I jumped a little and then walked over to the bones, they are obviously just there to scare people and I did scare me at first, I picked up to bones and started making some noise hoping someone will come down.
"what are you doing" one of them shouted at me
"what does it look like im doing" I try not to laugh as I say it but I manage to keep a straight face.
"I don't know what you are doing that's why I asked"
"bashing these together," I say and bash the bones together one more time
"well, stop it" I smiled and carried on what I was doing. He came into my cell and took the bones out. I was kind of hoping he wasn't smart enough to just take the bones out, I was kind of hoping he would take me out of the cell and I can try and escape.

The dog then fell asleep and I was trying to work a way of getting my sonic screwdriver back, It was becoming dark now but I could still see a little from the light of the fire. My sonic screwdriver was under the dog's paws, like how a normal dog would have a bone, I put my hand in trying to get it back but then he woke up and growled at me and then picked my sonic screwdriver up and ran off into the forest, I knew someone would have seen the dog run off, but im surprised no one came down. I stepped outside the cell and saw no one, I stepped out a little more and looked around and still saw no one, so I decided to make a run for it and tried to find the dog again.

But before I could get out of the camp I heard someone's tent rustled and the zip open, I quickly got behind a tree and crouched down hoping no one will see me. I watched carefully as he looked around and then looked down into my cell, he quickly came out of the little hole and looked around. He then ran into the tent and I saw my opportunity and ran.

I was walking for a long time and by the time I found somewhere to sit down and knowing I was safe it was becoming day time, I was running and walking around pretty much all night but still no sign of the dog or my sonic screwdriver. I looked down at my hand and remembered I had cut on my hand, but there was a little bit of dirt in the cut still and it wasn't healing either. I started to walk around again trying to find food or water, I hadn't had food for about a day now and I was starting to get very hungry.

After about 10 minutes I managed to find some berries. I kneeled down and put the berries in my hand. I looked at them for a few seconds before knowing they were ok to eat. I picked them off the bush and ate them.

After I finished eating a few of the berries I also realised there was a bit of water behind the bush, it was like a little pond so I stepped through the bushes to get to the water. First I washed my hand that I had cut to try and get all the dirt out and then I had a bit of the water.

After I had that I decided to wrap my palm in some leaves, the cut had gotten bigger and bigger at this point and I needed to be wrapped up just in case. I found a few vines as well to help keep the leaves on my hand, first I washed the leaves and the vines just in case, I pulled a few little bits off the vine and tied it around my hand with the wet leaves over my cut.

I managed to perfectly cover up the cut so I started looking around again for the dog or my sonic screwdriver. I looked everywhere, I even looked in a few holes in the ground because the dog might have tried to bury it.

It was starting to get dark again so I sat down with my back against a tree and wondered if Rose was alright and what she was doing or if anything had happened to her.

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