Mind controlling the TARDIS

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Rose's POV

Then I felt like I was controlling the TARDIS, I wasn't in the TARDIS but I could control it. At first, I didn't know what to do. I've watched the doctor do it many times before but I knew I couldn't actually fly the TARDIS. Now I felt like I was standing in the TARDIS.

I walked around the controls looking at them all to see if I could work out what to do. As I looked at a few buttons the TARDIS hummed at me as a button lit up.
"Do I press this button?" I ask pointing at the glowing button. The TARDIS agreed with a hum and I pressed the button. The TARDIS made the familiar sound of it taking off.

It hummed at me again and I looked over to the left side of me and I saw a lever glowing, I quickly pulled it and stepped back to see if there were any more glowing controls. I quickly pressed a glowing button next to the first button I pressed.

I suddenly thought the doctor doesn't normal press and pull all the levers this slowly, normal he knows what buttons he needs to press and does it quickly. I got a little scared and I knew I needed to concentrate more. The TARDIS lit up more buttons and I quickly pressed them also needed to pull a few levers.

Then I suddenly felt like something struck me. I immediately felt weaker as I heard a clap of thunder. I for sure would have fallen of weakness but I wasn't really in the TARDIS or standing up. I pressed a few more buttons and then I felt the TARDIS land.

Then suddenly the TARDIS doors opened and I saw the doctor walk in. He walks over to the TARDIS controls and scanned it with his sonic screwdriver. I felt like the TARDIS was disconnecting me so I quickly tried to tell him. My vision of the TARDIS was fading. I quickly realised what the doctor was trying to do. I tried to put my name on the screen in the TARDIS.

Before I could do anything the doctor scanned and checked the screen.
"Loading..." I tried controlling the TARDIS again and it worked.
"Rose Tyler." Then I felt like I disconnected from the TARDIS.

I just led awake but my eyes closed, weak and tired I couldn't do anything. I remembered everything I did, I remembered controlling the TARDIS all the way up to giving the doctor the message and then disconnecting. Then a feeling of relief came to me when I realised the doctor was alright. I tried to figure out how the TARDIS got in contact with me and why it needed me.

I then opened my eyes, it was still dark outside but it was becoming day. I could tell the sun was starting to rise. I led on the floor on my side quietly trying to listen for Emma, anything could have happened to her. But the house was silent, I heard no one at all. I tried sitting up a little but I couldn't, I just collapsed back on the floor. Instead, I just tried to turn myself around.

Instead, I was looking at the door, not the stone wall. I knew this was the worst time to be weak, now the doctor was back in and with the TARDIS and the machine keeping the TARDIS away was turned off he could come and save me at any point, but I could hardly move.

I tried to stand up again but I couldn't, I just felt again. Then I heard the door opened and someone walking in. I managed to sit up with my back against the wall keeping me sitting up. Then Emma appeared. I was scared to know what Emma wanted but before I could think she spoke up.
"Are you alright? I came down earlier and you seemed to be unconscious, like when my dad gave you that thing when you first came here." I felt the sacredness in her voice and I knew I needed to try and calm her down a little.
"I'm alright, Don't worry," I say, but she didn't believe me, she knew something wasn't right.
"What happened?" She asked seeming more scared.
"I'll explain later," she looks at me with fear in her eyes and I knew the only way I could calm her down was by telling her what happened so she knows I'm alright. "The TARDIS got in my head so I can fly it and save my friend, but don't worry I'm alright now," she still looked at me scared. "I'll explain when we are out off here exactly what happened," she nods at me but still looked scared then asks me a question.
"Can you stand up?" For a second I was confused about why she was asking me this but then I remembered she knows what happens after her dad puts someone unconscious. I sigh knowing there was no escape from telling her I was weak so I just give in.
"No I can't," as she looked at me more I noticed that she was trying to work something else out but I knew I wasn't going to outsmart her and telling her I was perfectly ok.
"After it got in my head it's left me weaker," I say saving her the trouble of working out what happened. She then knew exactly what has happened and understood I was alright now,

"How long will it take for you to help me escape, I don't like it here?" She asks almost like she was pleading to escape.
"If I can't help you escape the same time I do I promise I will come back for you, you need to trust me ok?" She nods and smiles.
"I trust you would help me, you don't seem like a person who would portray anyone." I smile at her as she speaks up again.
"My mum and dad will be awake soon I need to go, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." I nod as she walks off.

When she closes the door I began to feel tired, I led myself back down on the ground slowly and quickly fell asleep.

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