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Rose's POV

I lied awake for a while, not doing anything except thinking and wondering. I was facing the stone, cold wall hoping the doctor was alright. I also started to wonder if he would let us maybe adopt Emma but I had a feeling he wouldn't let us keep her. I know he would help her but we would probably need to take her to a proper home.

I also started to wonder how I was going to get out. I couldn't physically do anything, I needed to get someone to help me and the only person to help me was Emma. I didn't want Emma to help because she might get caught which would end badly for her.

I turned over on my back and looked outside. It seemed to become night now. I had trouble deciding to try and sleep now or wait for a bit just in case. I could just about see the sun setting so I watched that until I couldn't see the sun anymore.

I ended up falling asleep straight after and didn't wake up till about midday. I checked my pockets again checking I still had the key and lucky it was still in my back pocket.

I thought about taken them off to try and help the cuts on my wrists a little but I could also get caught and then I wouldn't have the key and I wouldn't be able to get out any time soon. But I took the risk.

I lent my back against the wall, with my hands behind my back also taken the shackles off. It took me about two minutes since I couldn't see what I was doing but I managed to do it without any pain. I kept my back against the wall but I put my hands in my lap and looked at the cut on my wrist. It seemed deep now and I needed to try and stop it from getting worse but before I would do anything I heard the door open and I quickly put my hands behind my back to try and put the shackles back on. Luckily it was only Emma.
"Did I scared?" She asked. I nod a little
"Just a little yeah." I laugh a little and she smiles back. "Probably only because I took these off, more paranoid." I took my hands from behind my back and put them on my lap.
"That's a big cut on your wrist." I looked down at my wrist and then looked back up at her.
"I'll be fine don't worry." I smile at her
to try and make her feel better and not worry or more worried.
"Where is your mum and dad at the moment?" I asked hoping they weren't anywhere near just in case we would get caught again.
"Outside, testing things, on animals." I looked at her for a few seconds before asking the next question.
"Testing what on animals?"
"Things they used on people, like knocking them out and also- killing them." Her voice instantly turned and she looked down.
"Down worry, they won't use any of that stuff on me or you. I'll make sure of it." She nods and smiles at me.

She changes the subject straight again.
"Have you figures out a way out yet?"
"I have a plan but I don't think it would work, because my friend probably managed to get himself in trouble as well," I say and then looked back at her. "But I guess it's worth a shot but it could backfire massively." She then just nods back and waits for me to explain my plan.
"First do you know where that machine is that makes it so that?" I pause for a second wondering what if call the TARDIS to make Emma understand what I'm saying. "That blue box, the one your dad sent away, the one I came here in? You know that machine that makes that sent blue box away" she looked at me for a second and thought then nodded. "Don't feel like you need to but if you can try and turn it off I'm sure my friend the doctor could come and save us, and I promise I will help you out even if I have to come back a day later for you."
"Where will I live if you rescue me?" I shrugged a little before answering.
"I don't know yet, we might take you to a normal home somewhere else and a real school." She sighed a little before looking me in the eyes.
"Why can't I live with you and your friend the doctor?"
"We don't have particularly normal lives," I say with a smile to try and lighten the mood. She nods as she understands. "But that isn't saying you can't live with us, I would be fine with it it's just I don't know if my friend would," I say trying not to make her lose all hope in living with us.

She changes the subject again,
"So when you travel what things do you go and see?"
"We have seen so much, history and the world's future."
"Isn't it dangerous"
"Very, a lot of close calls but still really fun to explore and save people" I smile thinking back to a few memories with the doctor as Emma asked another question seeming excited.
"What's the more dangerous thing it has done?" She asks exactly for an answer. I thought for a second before having an answer.
"Probably hanging from a balloon thing in the middle of a world war but the way I was saved is complicated." I laugh a little and she laughs with me. I quickly realised how long I and Emma were talking and quickly spoke up.
"You might need to be going soon before your parents get back from all the testing. We could talk more about it soon if you want?"
"Yes please, I would love to hear some of the story's you have to tell." She gives me the same little wave as she goes to the door.
"And I won't forget to turn that machine off, but I will need to do it later." I nod and wave back as she leaves.

I lay back on the ground forgetting I had the shackles off, I quickly put them back on just in case and gazed out the cell window.

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