Chapter 11: Rookie Mistakes

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"Wait. How and when did you get this car?"

"No time to discuss it now." Kurapika answered hastily, opening the door of the black vehicle and casting a paranoid glance over his shoulder.

"Alright, in you go, Vito." You cooed, almost like talking to a child, and pushed his head down until he was snug in the backseat. You and Kurapika entered the passenger and driver's seats respectively and shared a look. There was no going back now. Onto the traffic-riven main road Kurapika turned, knuckles white and impatient on the steering wheel.

"Yes, Rita. The fireworks are stunning tonight." The mob boss in the back seat said dreamily, gazing up at the plain upholstery on the interior car roof with a smile. Kurapika glanced back at him warily.

"Your ability really is terrifying."

"Uh... thanks, I think?" In his own way he probably meant it as a compliment, which you understood. Kurapika very much liked to be in control of situations. That is why he always prepared and educated himself so thoroughly, to secure an advantage. A Nen like yours took all autonomy out of the equation, and you wouldn't be surprised if Kurapika secretly thought that altering one's perception of reality was an assault on their humanity itself.

The abandoned warehouse was no more than twenty minutes away. You figured Kurapika found it on a whim earlier this week; it's not as if there was any shortage of those in Yorknew, least of which on this side of town.

"No, no. Sorry, Rita. I gave up drinking years ago." The unchained captive in the back seat muttered again, and curiosity finally got the better of Kurapika.

"Who's Rita?"

"Even I don't know to be honest." You peered at the man curiously. "I think it's his own projection."

"Really? So you're not the one doing it?"

"No... Fascinating how the human mind can fill in the gaps, isn't it?"

"Yeah... I wonder if your ability has different ramifications when combined with the effects of alcohol."

"It's definitely a theory worth testing... Remind me to get you drunk later."

"I think I'll have to pass on that." And then the car fell silent. An elephant somehow made itself comfortable inside the compact car, nestled securely between you and Kurapika. He cleared his throat. "That reminds me. About... what happened earlier..." His words sounded strained. "It's possible I may have gotten carried away with my role..." Your eyes dropped to your lap. "...and if I made you uncomfortable in any way, I apologize."

"Don't worry, Pika. As if I'd blame you for saving our asses back there." He returned your smile with a smaller grateful one, then mused something quiet under his breath.

"It seems your effect on men under the influence has been confirmed twice this evening..."

"Hm? What was that?" There was a long pause in the air before he finally answered.

"...I said we're here."

After one more turn onto a dark back street Kurapika shut the car lights off, making it even harder to figure out the location. As he circled to the back of the building there felt an air of familiarity about it. The establishment was tall, bestrewn with plentiful small broken windows, likely from passing teenagers throwing rocks.

"This way." Kurapika gestured you and your hostage towards a metal back door, past an oversized beer mug, and it was then you remembered where you were. In your childhood this plant made peanut butter, but later changed hands to become a private distillery. You weren't sure when all of that went to hell in a hand-basket but it was clear by the thick layer of rust on the piping and potent scent of moisture tainting the interior that it had been empty for a significant amount of time. In the center of a large open concrete room was a chair, complete with tethers and a sizeable tarp on the floor. "Tie him up." Kurapika ordered, pushing the large man down into the seat while he hummed to himself, blissfully ignorant of the events that would soon befall him- and also those that were currently befalling him. "I'll be right back." And with that the blond swept off to the car and in the distance you heard the trunk open and close.

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