Chapter 8: A Chance Encounter

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"Perimeter's all clear." Kurapika stated in his best professional tone. It made you smile for some reason.

"Roger that." Squala's voice replied over the phone. "On our way up."

"Understood." Once the call had ended you turned your head towards him. You were leaning against the pillar of the hotel's valet entrance, trying to appear casual.

"Something's been on my mind."


"The way I see it there are two options regarding our target's connection to the Spider's activities... Either he's the unluckiest bastard in Yorknew city... or his presence surrounding the incidents was no mere coincidence."

"I've been thinking the same thing." He crossed his arms and looked at you. "My hypothesis is that he's involved with some sort of underground crime ring."

"Did you get through all the info the Organization sent us?"

"Unfortunately no." He sighed. "The alert came in just before my shift started. Talk about inopportune timing..."

"I'll sift through it for you the best that I can. However, I was able to read that he's the owner of a club in the central part of the city."

"What kind of club?" He asked skeptically and you smirked at his slight grimace.

"It's not a gentleman's club, don't worry." He blinked at how easily you read his mind there. "It's a nightclub called FREQUE. Only it's spelled differently from the word."

"I see... It's a shame that I work Friday night. That would be an ideal time to investigate. He's more likely to be there on a weekend, I imagine."

"Trade shifts with Melody. I heard her complaining that she'd rather be off during the day so she could follow a lead of her own."

"How often do you talk to her?!" His voice wasn't raised but he was clearly shocked by how ignorant he was of your secret interactions. You laughed at his perplexed expression.

"I just run into her in the lobby sometimes. ...You're taking Neon shopping today, right? While you're there get yourself something more club appropriate." You eyed his blue and gold tabard. "While you're out I'll go grab something too."

"If you want I can give you some mo-" You cut him off with a fingertip to his lips before he could reach for his wallet.

"Don't. Even before you start." He pursed his lips at your interruption and it almost looked like he was kissing your finger before you removed it.

"Suit yourself." He said with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "But then I can't guarantee I won't get you something while I'm gone." You scoffed and called his bluff.

"You don't even know my size."

"I have special eyes." He replied snidely and looked you up and down. "Or did you not notice?" His smug smile quickly vanished when a noisy female voice came barreling through the automatic doors.

"WAAH! It's no fun by myself though!"

"What's wrong, Miss Nostrade?" Kurapika asked hastily, trying to quell the onlookers' gazes. Squala and Melody followed on her heels, looking exhausted already, though you knew their shift had only just begun.

"Melody never wants to try on any dresses!" Neon whined and pointed an accusatory finger at her.

"They don't look good on me." She flipped her palms up helplessly, as if she was stating the obvious. A laugh escaped your chest; you didn't know that Melody could be funny.

Kurapika/Reader: Twelve StepsWhere stories live. Discover now