Finale: Escaping the Spiders Nest (Part 1)

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The warmth of the room's amber color palette starkly contrasted the cold empty feeling that currently consumed Kurapika. He had severed ties with someone he deeply cared about, spewed so many vicious lies, poisoning the bond between you. All of his humanity and affections were left bereft and unsung... and for what? For the Zoldyck family to swoop in, massacring his target and sense of purpose all in one go? His entire reason for becoming a hunter, snuffed out in an instant. The Spider was broken in the attack on the auction house, its mighty leader blighted by the relatives of a boy he called his friend. And all the while he himself had been stuck guarding the boss's foolish runaway daughter, tucked away from all the action like a plaything in her dollhouse attic. The spirits of his clan were crying out from the void, their bloodlust left unslaked, and he wasn't sure he could ignore their incessant vengeful wails any longer. The vampiric beast of the collective chose instead to feast upon his blackened conscience now as restitution, a very poor substitute, and he was unsure if his broken soul was in need of comfort or carnage. All he knew was that it was begging.

While scolding Gon and Killua again felt nostalgic, and brought him back to what he now considered a better time, those same happy memories were securely intertwined with another face he didn't see: that amiable winning face he cast aside, gazing up at the starry canopy, drinking from his canteen, offering playful banter in exchange for his derision, soft hair falling slantways as you rested your head on his folded tabard. The tainted recollection vanished as he shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind once more, just as he had been doing periodically since your departure.

"I know you're gifted fighters for your age, but I honestly think you just got lucky. The Troupe wouldn't be careless enough to let their hostages escape twice. You need to be more careful." Killua rolled his eyes at the reprimand, but Gon spoke up.

"You do too, Kurapika. I saw one of the members mourn the death of Uvogin. He was crying, and he vowed he wouldn't sleep until the Nen-user who killed his friend was dead." Leorio's eyebrows ascended in alarm. "It actually made me really angry..." Gon's fists clenched in his lap, jaw tensing in synchronization. "A hardened criminal mourning the loss of a life..." Hazel eyes set ablaze as they rose to meet Kurapika's. "So if you're still committed to going after the remaining members... I'm with you to the end!" A brief silence fell upon the room as the weight of Gon's words sunk in.

"It'll be dangerous." Kurapika cautioned, leaning in close. "You'll be risking your own life in the process..."

"Don't tell him that!" Killua barked in exhaustion. "You might as well pour gasoline on a fire!"

"I do mean it with the utmost seriousness." The blonde defended calmly. "They must be truly formidable opponents if the Dons had to call in Killua's family to get the job done."

"Wait, you saw my dad?!" The silver-haired boy's mouth hung agape.

"And your grandfather. I encountered them at the assassin's meeting."

"Hold up! When did you become an assassin?!" Leorio interjected with an accusatory finger pointed in his direction. As if poised to give him an out, Kurapika's phone began to ring.

"Hold on, I have to take this." Standing with hasty grace, Kurapika walked towards the door. "Excuse me." The remaining three sat in stone silence, hearing a mix of Kurapika's muffled voice and another higher wispier one on the other end. It wasn't long before he returned, looking tense and solemnly pale.

"What is it?"

"...I've just received word that the community called off the hunt for the remaining Phantom Troupe members."

"What?! Why?!" The tallest male squawked in disbelief.

"Apparently they found out that the Spider comes from Meteor City."

Kurapika/Reader: Twelve StepsWhere stories live. Discover now