Chapter 4: Putting on Airs

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Something had changed about Kurapika since you spent time together on Kukuroo Mountain. There was a new rigidity about him, as if his will bore the earmarks of iron. Perhaps it had always been that way and it had only now been brought to your attention through the tangible properties of Nen, but either way you couldn't refute the new urgency proliferating his being with every loaded glance, every step he took. He no longer showed interest in touring the city with you like he talked about back then, not if a potential target wasn't involved. It was understandable in this situation, as time was a limited resource, so you convinced yourself he would return to his charming agreeable self once this ordeal was over. You looked forward to that day.

"Do you have everything packed?" Blond locks bounced into view through your apartment door.

"Yep." You nodded and he approached you before pulling something from his pocket.

"Good. Take this." He slipped a sleek black device into your hands. "It's an untraceable phone. From here on out it'll be safer to communicate with each other on these." He held up a second identical phone with two fingers. "If you need to contact me, remember sixteen."

"Sixteen." You repeated, but had no idea what that meant at this juncture. Kurapika had a car waiting for you out front, presumably one provided by his new employer. You slipped into the passenger side and felt lavish leather greet your bottom. In the comfortable silence of the drive you pulled out your new phone and explored, knitting your brows together when you noticed a full contact list. A curious thing for a brand new phone, you deduced, then decided to scroll through them. There were no identifying factors, just numbers where the name slots should be. The number sixteen caught your eye, and you assumed it to be Kurapika's new number. 'That's what he meant.'  You made sure to memorize the full sequence just in case.

"We're here." He eventually announced, and you reflexively gawked like a peasant the instant you caught sight of the glittering gold hotel. You simply couldn't take your eyes off the sparkling entryway chandelier, the pristine stone floors, or the warm wood walls that radiated a rustic yet luxurious vibe when coupled with the stylish light fixtures.

"Woah..." Your doe-eyed awe didn't fade until after Kurapika handed the keys to the valet, checked in, and moved to take the bag from your hands. "I can carry it." You offered, but Kurapika waved a flippant hand at you, a dismissal to your objection. "What a gentleman." A smile graced your cheeks as the elevator doors opened. When it was just you and him alone inside you spoke up. "Why'd you pick such a high-end hotel? It's not even that close to the auction house."

"The boss's daughter is staying in a room on another floor, but you didn't hear that from me. Besides, you never know what kind of connections we might make in a place like this."


The spotless steel doors revealed the club-level floor, velvet red carpet lining the hall. There was obviously more space between doors on this level than the first. Kurapika scanned the card-key and paused to look back at you.

"Welcome to your new temporary abode. I hope it has everything you need to be comfortable." With that the heavy cherrywood door swung open, as did your mouth immediately after.

"Wow." The extravagant room screamed indulgent, a quintessential playground for the affluent. To your right was a neatly made king sized bed, while on your left sat a mini grand piano situated between a fully-stocked wet bar adjacent to the kitchen, and a writing desk that faced the crowning glory of the room: the view. The entire back wall was a floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the flickering city. Simply put it was stunning, and you had no doubts that Kurapika had to flex his financial muscles to procure it.

Kurapika/Reader: Twelve StepsWhere stories live. Discover now