Chapter 9: A Song of His People

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"Shh..." You held an urgent finger to your lips as you opened the hotel door. Melody responded with a nod in understanding and slipped into the room. She couldn't help but smile upon seeing the blond fast asleep atop the bedcovers, breathing deeply. "It's that special tea I told you about." You whispered to her. "Puts him right to sleep every time." Her delighted smile widened. "If I hadn't figured out this trick he'd probably be up all night talking about the- eh... the you know who." You glanced over to Kurapika's sleeping form. The word 'spider' would probably instinctively wake his senses, like a resting dog hearing the word 'walk' from its master. Kurapika was so high-strung by nature that you'd taken to using eucalyptus oil on your skin before bed, just to aid in his relaxation a bit. Honestly, what else were you going to use your stupid amount of money on? Other than the item in Melody's hands, that is... She offered it up the instant she saw your eyes land upon it. "Thank you. I'm impressed you found it so fast."

"It wasn't all that difficult to come by. You really didn't need my expertise."

"I appreciate it nonetheless. I can wire the money into your account immediately." You said, retrieving your phone from your pocket.

"No need. Consider it a gift."

"...You're the greatest, Melody."

Your dear roommate must've been thoroughly drained from the last mission. Not only had he pulled a double shift for Melody's sake, but the two of you had plans to tail Salvatore that very same night. Once the yellow harvest moon rose into the sky you found yourselves at a weapon's dealer banquet where Kurapika, looking charming in his little tailcoat, posed as a waiter serving drinks. That way he was able to directly meet more than a fair share of people to use his dowsing chain on. (A brilliant idea if you do say so yourself.) Your guise, on the other hand, was that of an affluent aristocrat- that dress Neon bought you certainly helped you look the part- where you spent the evening subtly summoning said 'stranger' over to the suspicious gentlemen to offer them a beverage.

During this process he discovered your original assessment to be correct. Salvatore was not the one overlooking the crime ring. As most gang leaders do, he had associates to do the dirty work for him. Another set of rumors circled on the air that night, that of Salvatore's number two affiliate. Fortunately it was easier than expected to get his name. Apparently there was some discord among the local Dons about whether or not he was suited to be Gambino's pruned successor. Due to his hot temper and ruthless disposition a handful of partygoers weren't shy about vocalizing their distaste for the aforementioned malefactor.

The man himself, Vito Castellano, wasn't present at the event- of course you wouldn't be that lucky- so you and Kurapika settled on the next best thing. You kept tabs on two specific men who had stories to tell about him. The first seemed to be blowing smoke with his tales of Vito, reminiscent of the way a group of preteens might delineate their past encounters with the boogeyman. The second, however, struck you a much more viable lead. You seductively curled your finger towards Kurapika across the bustling golden room, beckoning him; another drink to keep this man talking...

The following two days were somewhat less eventful, but you had to admit you enjoyed them quite a lot. Using his tracking Nen, Kurapika had found you both an abandoned building across the street from this target's favorite meeting spot, an ideal vantage point for a stake out. You tingled with excitement at the proposition initially, but it wasn't long before the novelty lost its luster. You both had forgotten that mobsters still lived ordinary lives most of the time, and boredom set in fast. In the spare hours where the man did mundane things like pick up groceries you and Kurapika found random ways to pass the hours. In this time you had the chance to engage in uncritical conversation for a change, gentle small talk. The second day he took so long to return that you and the blond trained your Ten together. It was an interesting sensation, activating your Nen next to his, like the phantasmal equivalent of touching hands. The light brush of his aura was warm but lethal, erratic in its spikes and wavelength patterns, but still somehow controlled.

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