Chapter eight

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"I think she's dead!" Voices surrounded me, as I felt something warm under my head.
"Jenna,Jenna wake up! Your ok, just wake up." I slowly opened my eyes, and groaned.
"Where am I?" I looked up at sky, which was dark, then heard the sound of waves crashing against the beach. "Oh, thank god!" My gaze went left, to find Casey, and that boy she had bee dancing with, plus a crowd of people. Then, I looked right, and found Shawn lying on the ground, plus more people.
"Where is Gale?" I mumbled, trying to sit up, but I only feel back, due to the throbbing pain in my head. "Shhh. Just stay still. your okay. I'am right here." My eyes flew up, to where I saw Gail who was holding my head. He quickly got Casey to hold my head, then ran to my side.
"What happened?" I said, as he griped my hand. A flash of guilt covered his face, then anger. "When I turned back to you, Shawn punched my face, and I flew back and hit you so hard" He looked down at the ground. "It knocked you out."
"It wasn't your fault. It was his." He looked up, with a sad smile on his face. "Your what I need for a smile. Now come on, Let's get you home. Jackells already left with Leverlly. They were drunk anyway, and I wouldn't let them near you."
He picked me up bridal style, and then looked at me. I smiled up at him, and kissed his cheek. "What did you do after to him after he knocked me out?" He laughed and started trudging down the beach. "I bet the hell out of him. That's why he's knocked out." I laughed, and playfully punched his shoulder. Then I looked up at him. Our gazes locked, and I saw something sadden in his blue eyes.
"Jenna," he said calmly, and quietly. "Why did you kiss him?" I looked down at the sand embarrassed.
"Did you cheat on me?" I could hear the anger in his husky tone, as his voice started to rise. "Look at me!" He grabbed my chin,and pulled it towards his face, forcing me to look at him.
"Did you cheat on me!?" He yelled. I could feel hot tears streaming down my face, as his eyes stared into mine. "I...I....I didn't mean to-
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He cut me off, then started to raise me into the air. "What are you doing?!" I asked, scared of what he could do next. He was strong, so I had no idea of what he would be capable of.
"If you love him more, than go get him! See if he'll pay any attention to you since your busy kissing other boys!" Before I knew what was happening, he threw me into the air, into the direction of Shawn. I screamed, because he threw me with so much force, that I was probably five feet into the air. I closed my eyes, and thought about the feeling of hitting the ground bellow. "Help me!" I braced my self for the hard hit,but when I finally landed, it wasn't hard packed sand. Instead, it was soft and warm, almost like someone was giving me a hug.
"Jenna?" I opened my eyes, to see green eyes, and orange hair. It was the boy Casey was dancing with! "Are you ok?" I shook my head, and scrambled out of his arms, and onto the sand. I sighed, looking at Gail storming off to the parking lot.
"I just lost the most important guy in my life."

Authors note
What if you were thrown into the air. What would you do?
A. Prepare for the landing
B. scream!
C. Look for a way to soften your landing
Let me know in the comments!
Love,your favorite author, Quinn

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