The toe pt2

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"Oh uh- I- yeah about that" sonic looked a little uncomfortable and was about to cry again. " oh hun, what did my son do to make you like this?! You nearly flooded our bedroom yesterday with how much you've been crying! Look at the water damage!!" In unison as if it were planned, they all looked up at once at the ceiling. There definitely was slight water damage, but sonic doubted it was from all his tears anyways that's not the point.

"Well it didn't look like Obama particularly enjoyed it, but I was so furious and sad at that moment that I couldn't think straight." Sonic was starting to calm down. "Alright but let's talk in the kitchen so you can sit down and have some tea" sonic smiled and they marched like ants into the kitchen.
(They is Obama's parents, the dogs and sonic)

They (except mrs female Obama) sat down at the kitchen table while mrs female Obama made tea for them. Obama probably knew where sonic went. What sonic was worried about is the fact that Obama might show up, but there was also a good chance that he won't because he knew what type of person Obama was. Or at least he thought he did. He thought he was the type to leave people alone when he knew they needed to be. One that let them sort out there own problems unless he knew they needed help.

Mrs female Obama finished the tea and joined the rest of the group at the table. "Now what happened?" Sonic sipped his tea. "Well-" he looked down at his lap "I don't believe it was his fault. I don't want to believe it was his fault but when I came home from work Obama and harry-" when he lifted his head up, his nose spilled the tea. Nobody seemed to care tho so he just kept going. "They were kissing. Obama's face didn't really look like he enjoyed it but, it still happened. So I ran out, all the way here"

When he started looking around, everyone looked horrified. Apparently, harry was Obama's first love. He soon learned after harry drank too much apple juice and they had an argument that harry was only after money. It broke Obama, because he actually loved harry.

The thought of all of this sent sonic into more tears. He thought John Quinones was gonna come out with his camera crew soon. It was all too much to take in.

"Listen, sonic. Obama has always loved harry. There's a chance that he still has some of those feeling left. You can't stay here forever it's best that you go and talk to him."

Sonic looked up at mrs Female Obama. "Thanks. I know what I have to do." He was drenched in his own tears "I'll go talk to him."

"Well you better go get changed and dry. Can't let him see you like that now can you?" Mr male Obama stated "nah it's ok. Let him go like that." Mrs female Obama replied. But by the time any of them could talk sonic was already out the door.

To be continued once I Remmeber this exists

Sonic ate my toe (Obama x Sonic)Where stories live. Discover now