Sonic and obama contact each other

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Obama's POV
Once I got to where me and sonic said we would meet, I saw him sitting on the fountain. I approached him. He looked so cute I couldn't help mumbling to myself about it. I felt my face start to heat up and I knew I was blushing. I titled my face down so he wouldn't notice. If he found out I had a crush on him, he probably would never talk to me again. I approach him, not realizing I'm still mumbling. I sit next to him and smile. He turns to look at me and smiled back. "Sup sonic"

Sonics POV
"Hi obama!" My green eyes met his. "I wrote my number down on this sticky note. You must be in a rush to get to the hospital" I hand him the sticky note and look down at my feet. "Just text me when you get time" I hear him writing something down on paper and turn towards him. He hands me a folded piece of paper and tells me to open it when I get home.

Obama's POV
'He's so thoughtful. Well he's always been like that' I smile to myself. Once he gives me his number, I put it in my pocket and take out a piece of paper from my notebook in my book bag. I write him a little note with my number. He's been staring at his shoes this whole time. 'Is he embarrassed to be seen next to me?' 'No that can't be it.' My mind wandered as I handed him the paper. I stand up and put my notebook back in my backpack. "I have to go back to the hospital now." I smile at him "take care, I'll talk to you later" I wave and start to head towards the front gate of the school.

Sonics POV
The sad look in his eyes when he stood up and left was embedded into my mind. I can't help but feel bad. He's been through so much in the past three years, and who knows how long before that. I hope his grandmother gets better.  I stand up and walk towards the main entrance (the same place obama is headed) and realized we could walk with each other to the front gate so I run to catch up with him. "Let's walk together to the gate" I smile. He was clearly startled by my sudden presence. I realized he doesn't know about my super speed. I laugh out loud. He looks so confused.

Obama's POV
What was that? He just zoomed next to me out of nowhere! It was so amazing, yet how did he do it? I must of made a funny face because he laughed at me.
This took a lot of thinking to make this chapter. Also if you see this say hi to my friend renay. She's good people. I'm gonna go rethink my life choices now :)
Word count: 494

Sonic ate my toe (Obama x Sonic)Where stories live. Discover now