Sonic and obama

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Sonics POV
I scrambled to find my phone and the piece of paper he put his number on. I, of course text my bag downstairs and remembered after I tore my whole room apart. I went down the stairs and into the kitchen, where there was another note on the table. It read:

   'Your uncle came home, and was very upset you weren't here. He doesn't know about this note, or the other one ;), I told him you had some school project with your classmates to work on, stick with that story.
                                 Love, grandma'
My grandma knows about Obama's number? I didn't even have a chance to read it yet. I rummage through my bag til I find the neatly folded note and went upstairs.  My room looks terrible. Me, being the best freak I am decide to clean it before I read the note. I use my super sonic speed moves to quickly move everything back to where it was supposed to be.

A few minutes later my mess was cleaned and the note was ready to read. 'Hey sonic. Thanks for being my friend. I've always enjoyed when we hung out and I hope we can do it for often. How about a date on Saturday? We can go to the cafe down the street from our school! Invite some of your other friends too! Oh and here's my number.
Sincerely, Obama'
I blushed hard at reading he wants to go in a date with me. He did say to invite some friends but I think it would be best if we had some alone time together. Or maybe not considering what had happened out side the movie theater. Oh jingle tree! I totally forgot about what I did! Either way, spending time with him would be great! I realize it's late and turn off my lights and fall asleep
Word count:332
Nothing much to say, except for the fact that I have mental issues. Have a nice day :)

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