The Man Who Was Left At The Alter and The Outcome of It

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That was something people used to tell me when my Mother had passed away. Somehow it taught me that despite the bad outcomes, they were necessary for the good to breed from. A necessary comfort that helped me survive the rougher years.

As I stand at the alter watching Hudson walk back from checking in on Sage, he was alone and his expression told more than he'll ever be able to word. So I stare at Scarlett who was oblivious and waiting for Sage to walk through those doors.

Then I loosened my tie and stormed down the isle, passing all of the concerned people around. The only person not accounted for was Bianca and I had a gut feeling she was the root of whatever was going on.

Hudson followed after me, trying to slow me down.

"Greyson." He calls out.

I stop and frowned. "Where is she?"

"Bianca's driver came and picked them up." Hudson explains.

I scoff. "Then why the fuck aren't we following them!?"

"Greyson just relax." Hudson grabs my shoulder.

Relax, is he out of his mind? "You want me to fucking relax!? My fiance just walked out on her wedding day!"

Whatever Bianca fed into Sage's head she'll pay for every moment of it. Every feeling of pity I had for her went down the drain, for all I care she's dead to me. I don't even claim her to be the mother of my child, just a surrogate from here on.

"Whats the bloody commotion all about? The guests are confused, where is Sage?" Father appears and questions.

Hudson rubs the back of his neck. "She left."

"Can't say I'm surprised." Father scoffs. "Any sane woman would."

If I wasn't infuriated already, he now added fuel to the flame. "Why would you say that?"

"Son, have you watched these past few weeks or are you blind?" He explains. "I'm not happy about this either but have you sat down and spoken to Sage about any of this? You're inviting more reasons for her to run each day, she's eighteen and although you're ready to settle and be a family man, have you ever sat down and asked if she was ready to be a wife?"

Hudson sighed. "This wouldn't have happened if Bianca didn't say anything."

"No, as much as I dislike that woman this isn't only her fault." Father tells us. "Sage left on her own accord, she wasn't dragged or kidnapped. She walked out with her own two feet and this would've been avoided if you'd just bloody spoken to the girl."

I scoff. "She said nothing, she has a mind of her own if she was afraid or against any of this she had all the time in the world to say it."

"You plan a secret wedding and think she's wrong for not telling you she's against it when she found out only a few hours ago she'd be walking down the isle?" Father chuckles. "If that happened to you at eighteen you'd be fleeing to the next country. Just because she deals with everything well on the outside, doesn't mean she is on the inside."

I couldn't believe this. "You're on her side? You and Andrew arranged us together, the purpose of our meeting is purely beneficial to both businesses. Since when did it matter whatever Sage said in this? You've been molding her and preparing her for this moment since we found out she existed."

"Since when did you care about any of that?" Father's brows furrow. "Admittedly, in the beginning she played a key role in the larger scheme of things, in fact she still does. But that's not your job to worry about, it's mine. You are her fiance, the man she loves, your job is to pay attention so things like this don't happen."

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