The Flower Girl and The Realization

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"About time." Hudson mutters, standing up from the couch.

I'm back home and I've never been more exhausted in my life. The series of events that happened in a day span has mentally drained me for a lifetime. If there's not one problem, there's another and quite frankly I could use a vacation. Preferably with Greyson because I haven't seen him in what feels like forever.

A much needed shoulder to lean on at such a time, what would he say if he heard the news? I could use some extra affection, maybe even talk to Richard about it and hear one of his famous Papa Blackstone lines towards the situation. Something along the lines of "Just when we thought the highlight of the year was me getting shot in the bloody noggin, your mother has to steal the limelight. How selfish."

The thought made me chuckle as I walk towards Hudson. "Where's Grey?"

"Waiting for you, we're two hours late and have to get you ready."

I sigh. "Ready for what? I don't feel like doing anything and I need to talk to him about something really important."

"Trust me, when we get there you won't care about anything else." He argues. "He's been waiting for you and I don't think you should keep him waiting anymore."

Slumping onto the couch, I run my fingers through my hair. "I do want to see him, even if it means having to leave the comfort of my home."

"Exactly!" Hudson grabs my wrists and pulls me up, causing me to groan in agony.

Why do I have to do so much, I need to recover from hearing everything I heard. A girl can only handle what she can until she can't. And right now I think I keep pushing back a reaction that will lead me into crying in the corner of my closet. Either way, I push myself to go with the flow and grab a healthy distraction from the love of my life, Greyson Blackstone.


We arrive in a beautiful piece of land, there was nothing but tree's and flowers surrounding the place. With a few small houses scattered around. What threw me off was the amount of cars parked here despite me seeing no one around. I don't imagine seeing Greyson in such a place for no reason, which leads me to question, what's the reason?

I follow Hudson towards one of the smaller houses, it was the one placed next to a lake.

"You won't be seeing Greyson until you put this bad boy on," Hudson opens the door. "doubt you should be going to your own wedding without it."

My eyes widen.

Tears came shortly after.

"Sage!" Scarlett runs towards me. "I waited forever!"

My body went into a paralysis, it became impossible to breath on my own and I couldn't stop the waterfall coming from the ducts of my eyes. In front of me was a beautiful white gown, placed on a stand in the middle of the room.

Scarlett was wearing a gorgeous grey dress that on made her haunting gaze more prevalent. It suited her as a child though, it was flowy and simple. Yet made her look like a doll, an expensive one at that. Her hair was pulled up into a large bun and she had a small flower crown on her head. Oh my gosh, she's the flower girl.

More tears came.

I can't stop them.

Nora and Evelyn stood there with smiles, among them was also Dawn, who was of course beaming. They all wore the same off the shoulder dresses, in the same blue as the one Scarlett rocked. Their dresses were sophisticated and hugged their curves seamlessly. They all had their makeup and hair done, and I can't even tell if I'm in a dream right now or not.

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