The Sleepwalking Girl and The Expensive Couch

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Greyson Blackstone


For the past two days I've been on the edge and it's all because of her. It was my obligation as her fiance to make sure she was alright but why did I insist on forcing her to stay at my private condo? There's only one fucking bedroom here! What did I expect would happen when she came? That another room would magically appear?

"Your's so precisely decorated." Sage says, her eyes wide with awe. This is the first time in years that I will be staying with a woman in my house for more than a day and without sex. The last time I had an arrangement like that it was with my ex-lover whose name will not be remembered. "It's modern and exudes bachelor. Is this your bachelor p-pad?"

From her awkward chuckle I can tell she's realized the predicament we're in now. She's nervous to be alone with me. I'm not shocked given that we've never actually ever been alone, we are always in public or with our families. Now she's going to be sleeping in the same place as I and there's no one else to break the silence except us.

I throw my coat on the rack, then reached my hand out to her. "Coat." Sage looks at me with confusion and giggles weirdly, she shrugs the coat off and hands it to me. I've got to admit this situation isn't in my favor but seeing her in such a frantic panic amuses me. It's nice to know that she see's me in a threatening way.

"Alright listen up," I clear my throat and begin walking down the hallway. "For the remainder of the time you live here you've got to get adjusted to a different lifestyle than your commoner one. This is a multi-million dollar condo, which means it should be treated as such. Think of it as a vacation for the most part. I don't need to tour you through here because despite it being as big as it is, I'm sure you're smart enough to assume what the Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room, etc. is."

Sage follows behind me, observing her surroundings. She appears to be amazed by what she see's and that for some reason leaves a smile on my face. I never bring anyone here so it's nice that someone other than myself appreciates it. "Since I didn't shop before coming, I'll order us some food." I inform her, looking through my phone for food services. "Take a seat though, get comfortable."

"Greyson, uh, well will I be able to go to school tomorrow?" She asks me. I look at her. Sage has an unwavering passion of Astronomy, one of the only things I respect about her. Professor Daniell's has been talking highly about her for a while saying that she's never had a student whose eyes light up like Sage's when it came to space. 

So I nodded my head. "Yes but you'll report to me before and after class, then I'll have you escorted back here."

"How long will this be going on?"

I place my phone the the marble counter. "I'd like to tell you there's an expiration date for this, but I can't. Quite frankly you're being prepared for the future, the day we announce our engagement you'll need twice as much protection. Because you're not only the successor of Emerson but the wife of a Blackstone."

Somehow she immediately got depressed and her eyes dropped to her lap. Sometimes I want to stop the engagement, this girl is clearly not interested in the lifestyle of an elite. But it's because of that one reason that makes her suitable for me. She's not doing this for the wealth, for the fame, for anything really. She's doing it for her family and although it's forced she wants the best for her Father and brother.

"Chinese?" I ask.

Sage looks up at me, puzzled. "What?"

"Chinese, I'm feeling Chinese tonight. You?"

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