The Deceitful Bastard and The Dress

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Sage Slade


How is a cunning guy like that so easily charming to everyone around him? It took me a week to figure him out. The women who cling to him are so blinded by his wealth and good looks that they don't even realize they're being played, even after he kicks them to the curve.

"Are you ready? Mr. Blackstone is waiting outside for you." My Dad informs me, his expression depressing to look at. He hates every moment I am forced to leave this house and be around someone I hate. Everyday this week I've been coming home complaining and talking about how awkward it is being in class since I now know the Professor for my favorite subject Astronomy, has slept with my fiance.

Professor Daniell's so far is a great teacher and seems just as passionate about space than I am—even more. However, it's hard taking her seriously when I see her ring finger has an actual ring and then there's also the image of her being all sexed up that will never leave my brain.

I pull my hair into a ponytail. "More ready than I'll ever be, the quicker I leave, the quicker I'll get this stupid shopping done." Today Greyson is forcing me to shop at some expensive, over the top boutiques for a gown to wear at the event this Saturday. Which I'm still unsure it's about since everyone refuses to explain it to me.

"Should I make dinner? Or do you think..." Dad pauses, then crosses his arms, looking at me silently.

I scoffed. "I'm almost a hundred percent sure Greyson's going to force me to eat at some ridiculously costly restaurant to teach me proper etiquette. So yeah you don't need to make dinner, as much as I'd prefer eating with you, the moment I refuse that jerk he's going to be all over me like white on rice."

"Alright." He smiles lightly at me, then walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "I'll go to the den and work on my projects. See you later kiddo." Dad leaves the room and I sigh, although this hurts him inside it's better than financially hurting this family.

So I sucked up my inner hatred for Greyson Blackstone and left.


"You're seventeen years old and have the body of a child." Greyson scoffs, leaning back into his leather chair.

This is the hundredth dress I've tried on and for every single one he's come up with some insult towards me wearing it. Either I'm too short, I'm too flat chested, I am scrawny, or I look like a twelve year old. Admittedly I am all of those things but that does not mean I'm unhappy about it. He's too picky when it comes to his women because all of them either have to look like Victoria Secret models or a hot porn star.

I frowned. "You do realize that I'm seventeen years old and not 25, my body is still maturing you ass." Sometimes I wouldn't be surprised to find out Greyson is some misogynist on the low given the way he treats me.

His brows snap together. "Do I have to personally teach you how not to curse? If we are to attend this event you must learn to be lady-like and not a barbarian."

I crossed my arms. "Maybe it's too late for me to be lady-like since I was raised the way I was raised and all. If you think I'm a barbarian find some other floozy with big boobs to take my place."

"You don't know how much I'd love to do that, I cannot believe my Father thinks you out of all women are suitable for me." He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. The owner Gale walks into the room with several more dresses, his eyes wide.

"Darling," He starts and shakes his head. "that dress does not suit you one bit. The color and everything, who gave that to you?" I'd hate to throw anyone under the bus but his intern Ariana did and it seems like Gale is super uptight about his fashion business.

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