The Man With The Ring and Space

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Richard Blackstone wants Greyson and I to produce a child!?

And soon

That is way to much expectations for someone like me who hasn't even gotten the hang of making out. Now they just expect us to baby-make? I mean...does Greyson want that? He is at a normal age for wanting kids, but I'm just eighteen, I've got so much I want to do and I don't want to have a child and have he/she raised by some nanny while I'm finishing school.

My dream is to be part of the team that sends humans into Mars, that requires so much hard work and dedication. How can I be both a mother and part of such a project?

What am I saying! I shouldn't even be thinking about this! I should've stopped last night as soon as we left the restaurant. Not stay awake all night, creepily glancing at Greyson and wondering what a child between us would look like.

"Alright, I didn't want to say anything but this has gotten out of hand." Greyson puts his fork down. "You keep staring at me."

I stiffen, he noticed! "O-Oh I'm sorry it's just...uh..."

"You've been doing it all night. I thought it was okay, my fiance staring lovingly at me all night. But I'm starting to get the feeling that you're thinking about what the old man said." He assumes. "About the grandchild thing, listen Sage—"

"N-NO." I laugh awkwardly. "You...You're just really good looking."

He raises a brow. "I know when you're lying...well it's true but that's not why you've been eyeing me like a hawk."

"Greyson." I force an assuring smile. "Seriously, it's nothing."

Greyson sighs. "Fine we'll drop it, besides that's not what I wanted to talk about this morning."

"You had something you wanted to talk about?"

He stabs his fork into his eggs. "I'm rethinking it after seeing what last night has done to you. Actually, nevermind forget it."

Usually I'd pry but then he'd have leverage over me to ask me more questions about me staring at him. So I just kept my mouth shut and stuffed my face with toast.



Greyson has been working an excruciating amount of hours, he's literally never home. And instead sleeps at his private bedroom that he secretly had built in his office.

Needless to say it's been lonely without seeing him, last time I did was four days ago. I've been killing time with making my schedule for Blackstone University and hanging out with friends. Todd also helps let the time fly by escorting me to Central Park and we run together.

Todd recommended it to help me sleep at night.

Greyson not being home keeps me up, I don't feel comfortable with sleeping in such a large condo all by myself. The place has little to no home feeling inside of it.

The house phone rings and I run to pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer, hoping it's Greyson.

"Miss Slade." Kyle, the guy at the front desk says. "You've got a few packages, I'm sending a security guard to give them to you now. Okay?"

"Yeah, thank you."

"No problem." He hangs up.

I'm pathetic, I've gotten so used to having him around period that a few days without him have been horrible. Though I am curious why I have packages, I didn't order anything recently.

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