(Hot p2) And you are?

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"So- wanna finish what we started?" I asked Keith

"You don't mean-" Keith started and I cut him off with a kiss.

"No but I do think we should finish reenacting the chapter. We just need to do one more thing." I told him

"Oh, okay then." Keith agreed



I drove into the parking lot and grabbed my bag. Headed up to my apartment. When I got there the door was unlocked, it's not like him to leave the door unlocked. I walked in to see a lot of clothes, heels, bags, jewelry, and makeup products. Guess this is gonna be a pain too.

I put my bag down and started to look around for him. He wasn't in the living room and he never leaves until I get here at least. And even so he stays most of the time to help me pick out my outfit.

After looking everywhere I decided that he left. Going back in the living I grabbed my bag and headed to my room.

"AHHH! OMG WHO ARE YOU!" I scream throw my bag at a man standing in my room.

"Oh my my you're finally here, sorry to have frightened you deary." Said the man. He was tall with short yellow hair in braids to the back. Grey eyes, and tanned skin.

"Who. Are. You? And how'd you get into my apartment!" I said ready to kick this man in his 'perfect' face.

"Oh my I haven't introduced myself have I now, I'm sorry deary. I'm Logan~ lovely meeting you." He said taking my hand and kissing it.

Quickly grabbing his wrist and pushed him into the bed face first and pinned him down. "Why are you in my apartment?" I snarled.

"Kinky little one are you deary" he said before you flipped us over and he was now on top. "But I prefer being on top." He said in a seductive voice but then gave the most innocent closed eye smile.

"Get off of me!" I shout pushing him away.

"Oh I will but first I want to truly introduce myself before you hit me. I'm Logan, as I already told you, and I'll be replacing Milla." He said.

"How do you know Malachi's nickname?" I questioned

"He told me about the nicknames you have for each other, lil chick~" He whispered what Milla called me in my ear. "Okay so let's go pick out this outfit of yours deary." He said standing up and lending me a hand.

"Don't call me that it's Y/N to you." I said getting up on my own. "And don't come in my room without permission, matter fact don't come in my apartment without my permission." I said pointing to the door.

"Feisty one you are, I understand my dearest apologize my deary." He said walking into the living room.

"Y/N" I corrected

"Okay deary." He said once more. Gosh I've already got a headache and we haven't even started.

"Let's just get this over with." I sat down on the couch waiting for him to show me some clothes.

"Here deary" he said handing me an outfit

"What is this?" I looked at him in confusion.

"It's an outfit go try it on." He said putting it in my hand.

"But aren't we going to look at the different close together and put things together?" I asked

"I do things differently than Malachi." He said pulling me up ans pushing to me my room.

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