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Bzz bzz bzz

I woke up to my phone ringing.

'Missed call from 'Mother'

I sat at on the bed and looked over to the boys. They were both sleeping and I didn't want to wake them.


I got up and stretched a little before walking out the dorm leaving the door unlocked. I stepped outside a called mother back.


'I see you're finally picking up the phone' Mother said

"I had a long day yesterday so I slept in." I told her

'That's not good you have a schedule don't start breaking it.' She said

"I know mother. There must be something you need right." I said

'Yes you have to come to a business dinner tomorrow at 6pm. I'll have someone bring your clothes to your apartment today. Don't be late!' Mother said

'Alright mother tell me about our partners.' I said



I woke up and looked over to were Y/N was supposed to be. I tapped Lance waking him to. "Y/N must have left." I told him.

He sat up and looked over to my bed. "Oh what time is it?" Lance asked.

I pulled out my phone "It's 11am" I told him

"She must have left early." Lance said

"Hey looks like F/B has been updated!" I said clicking on wattpad.

"Omg do you remember what happened last chapter!?" Lance said excited.

"Want to read it now." I said with a smirk

"You know I do!" Lance said with the same smirk


10 minutes later

"Woah" I said as we finished the chapter.

"That was hot" Lance said with a red face.

"Uh Lance?"

"Yes?" Lance said looking at me.

"Can we- can we try that?" I asked making my face heat up more.

"I- sure." Lance said

"Okay" I said.

I pulled Lance closer to me our noses now touching. I slowly placed my lips on his and kissed him softly. Before long the kiss became a rough make-out. I pulled away and looked into Lance longing eyes.

Kissing him once more I bit his lip making him moan a little. I took this chance and pushed my tongue into his mouth.

Lance let me explore his mouth. My tongue claimed every inch of him for a while until I broke the kiss.

I pecked his lips and gave him butterfly kisses over his body. His jawline, down his neck, over his shoulder, leading me to his shirt. Placing my hands under his shirt pulling it off I looked at Lance's beautiful body.

"You look just like chocolate, I think I'll take a bite." I whispered in his ear as I nibbled it earning a tiny moan from Lance.

I moved so I was now sitting in Lances lap. As I sat there I grinded against him slowly. Nibbling on his neck leaving my mark on his beautiful skin. I bit down harder than before making Lance moan a little louder.

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