Chapter 13

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Dis is da last chapta

Jax and Gilly were currently sitting in Jax's room discussing how to track down Alva.

"How do we get her to come back here?" Jax asked. "Well, she's gonna find out I'm awake and when she does we can lure her in. Like throwing a party or something, when she does I can attack her again" Gilly said.

"No" Jax said. " I lost you before and I just got you back. I'm not taking any chances of losing you again. There's gotta be another way".

"Jax, I'll be ok, Let her cast her sleeping spell on me again. We know how to wake me up now" Gilly said. " But what if it's not just a sleeping spell next time. What if I actually lose you forever?" Jax asked her with a look of pure worry.

" I know what I need to do. Just get me the most skilled guards, witches, and warlocks and I'll handle the rest" Gilly said. Jax just sighed, not wanting to argue with the girl who threw an egg at a chicken.(Don't ask why I put that)

Gilly tried to stand up but her injuries caused her to fall. Jax got up and took her to his bed where she sat for a bit.

" Gilly, why did you risk your life for all of Enchantasia?" Jax questioned. " I knew that if I was gone,Enchantasia could still reign as long as it had you and the crew. I've been risking my life for so long, That's what I signed up for when I became Enchantasia's hero" Gilly said.

"Gilly, we all need you. You keep us together, you show no fear with your leadership. And some of us were a little lost without you(Jee I wonder who)" Jax said.

"I understand I just need you and our friends to help me, ok?" Gilly said. "Ok" Jax obliged.
Gilly smiled and kissed him. Jax kissed her back hesitantly. He was still getting used to the whole him and Gilly being a thing.

The whole kingdom knew now. Some newspapers were even starting to guess what they would choose as the name of their baby.
Jax was still honestly confused. They were only 15.

Gilly didn't seem to mind it. Although she was already to busy focusing on Alva. Sometimes he wished to take her out to the gardens but she would be too busy. He decided that this was going to change.

When Gilly pulled back from the kiss, she picked up another map of the palace but Jax snatched it from her hands. " You've already come up with a plan, you're done now" Jax said.

"Just let me recheck it" Gilly pleaded. " You've checked it ten times" Jax stated. "Please" Gilly begged. "No" Jax said firmly. He picked her up and carried her out of his room.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm taking you somewhere to relieve your mind" Jax said.
"I don't need this "relieving" nonsense" Gilly said. Jax didn't listen and took her to the gardens. He sat her down on a little bench in the shade.

They were sitting underneath a tree with deep purple flowers. Jax knew that this was her favorite tree. " Gilly, why do you like this tree so much?" Jax asked. " The flowers remind me of your eyes, so the flowers bring me some comfort" Gilly said.

Jax wrapped his arm around her and smiled.
He wanted things to be just like this forever. They will be once they stop Alva and Rump.

At the ball, every royal and commoner came. Gilly made sure to station a guard next to each and every door and window in the ball room. Once the RS squad showed up, they could round up the kids and send them back to FTRS with some "Minor" punishments.

Gilly was dressed in a light blue dress. Simple but helpful in battle. She saw Jax sitting with the rest of the royals and a part of her hurt for how long she left him on his own. Wasn't her choice but she wish she had done something .

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