Chapter 4 Without Gilly

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Jax had woken up and was getting ready to go take a shower and change,when he saw Ollie and Jack.
"Hey Jax"Ollie said smirking."You still been sleeping by Gilly,you sure do love her"Ollie said nodding towards Gilly.

"Oh haha,you act as if you don't have a crush on Kayla"Jax said with a smirk.
Ollie started blushing red.Jack burst out laughing."I didn't think a tough pirate could love a dainty fairy"Jack said chuckling."Kayla is not a dainty fairy,she is a very rude fairy"Jax said.

"Ugh why must you both taunt me?"Ollie said crossing his arms across his chest,almost looking like an angry baby."Because it's funny" Jack said with a smirk."You guys are mean"Ollie said under his breath.

"Well let's go Ollie,Maxine and Jocelyn are waiting outside for their turn"Jack said.Ollie and Jack said bye to Jax and left.Right after they left the room Jocelyn and Maxine walked into the room.

"Hey,Gilly's boyfriend"Jocelyn said with a smirk.Jax glared at her."Hello,Jax"Maxine said with a smile.
"Thank you,Maxine,for actually knowing my name"Jax said,"oh and for your information,I'm not Gilly's boyfriend".

"Not yet"Jocelyn said with a smug grin.
Jax rolled his eyes.Maxine and Jocelyn looked over at Gilly.Maxine's eyes were filled with worry and Jocelyn kept calm but deep down,she felt bad for Gilly.

Maxine reached into her shirt pocket and took out a small mouse.Jax recognized the small creature.It was Wilson,the mouse Gilly got from the magical fairy pet classroom.Jax had wondered what happened to Wilson after Gilly fell in a deep sleep.

"Who's taking care of Wilson,if Gilly is in a deep sleep?"Jax asked."I'm taking care of Wilson now"Maxine said with a small smile."Gilly will have Wilson back,if she wakes up"Maxine said with an almost scared voice.Maxine and Jocelyn spoke to the nurses about Gilly's health.

"Is Gilly going to survive?"Jocelyn asked."Yes she will,so no need to worry" one of the nurses said."Ok,bye Jax"Maxine said."Bye Jax"Jocelyn said while leaving with Maxine.

When they left,The princesses walked in,almost in a rush."Ugh"Rapunzel said annoyed."I swear if another person bombards us with more questions,I'm going to hit someone with a pan"Rapunzel said.

"*gasps*,Rapunzel don't speak about such violence"Snow said shocked by what her fellow princess just said.
"Well it's how I feel"Rapunzel said getting a bit mad.

"What are you guys talking about?"Jax asked confused."Without Gilly here people are asking us if enchanitasia is safe anymore"Rapunzel said with a sigh.

"And we've gotten attacked in the Village square once,now we have to have more security guards"Cinderella said."It's so frustrating"Rapunzel said.
"Why would anyone think that Enchantasia was unsafe?"Jax asked.

"People know of Gilly's heroics,and they believe that she can protect us from harm,but with Gilly in a deep sleep,Everyone feels vulnerable"Snow explains.

Jax was baffled.He knew Gilly was famous,but he never realized how many people relied on Gilly.
"We need to put the people at ease,but the only way to do that is to wake Gilly" Snow said.

Rapunzel and Jax made eye contact.
Jax knew what Rapunzel was thinking.
Rapunzel believed Jax could awaken Gilly(I mean I believe that too).
Jax was nervous."Well I'm going to take a shower and get changed"Jax said while staring at his pajamas.

Jax hurried out of the room,not wanting to have to speak to the princesses about Gilly's true love.
He walked into his room and grabbed his towel and clothes,and walked into the bathroom.

After he finished his shower,Jax walked back into the hospital and sat next to Gilly's bedside.He stared out the windiw.He saw how people were outside of the Palace yelling in a frantic panic.

He looked back at Gilly and sighed.
"We need you Gilly,please wake up"
Jax said sadly."This is stressing out everyone,especially me and the royals"
Jax said."I wish there was an easier way for you to wake up"Jax said.

"There is an easy way"a voice said.Jax turned around and saw Rose.Rose walked towards him."But you are denying to try it"Rose said."Me and Rapunzel discussed what is happening between you and Gilly"Rose said.

"Nothings happening between us,she doesn't like me"Jax said sadly.
Rose giggled slightly."You don't think she loves you?"Rose said.Jax nodded.
"Do you remember when I trained her,
Well she would talk about you non stop.
She always spoke about you in high standards"Rose said with a smirk.

Jax was shocked.Rose smiled at his confusion and left. Jax stared at Gilly and whispered,"If you love me,I hope that we can spend our future together ".

{{{Ok thats where I'm leaving it.Sorry this is very late but I have been overwhelmed.If you are unhappy with the times that i upload my chapters,thats fine.Im not a robot I'm a human so please understand that.
If you are wondering what hours I would normally upload,I upload during
8:00p.m. through 12:00a.m.}}}

Bye and I hope you enjoyed.

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