Chapter 2 The Cure

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A couple hours later everyone had left,everyone except Jax.He was still broken by seeing Gilly passed out.Gilly's body was pale and weak.Jax knew Gilly was stronger than this,and it pained him to see her like this.

"Your an idiot"Jax said to Gilly's sleeping body,"We need you now more than ever." "All of Enchanitasia needs you"Jax said,"I,need you."Jax held her hand and fell asleep.

The next morning The Princesses went to the hospital and found out that Jax had fallen asleep next to Gilly's bed.
"Aww he cares about his friend"Snow said.(yeah Jax's "Friend")

"Yes it is a very kind gesture,but we must talk about what the scroll that Alva left means with Rose"Cinderella said."yay let's go talk about it with the traitor"Rapunzel said sarcastically.
Cinderella rolled her eyes playfully,"Must you call her that every time." "Yes"Rapunzel said with a smirk.

The Princesses went into the Royal Meeting room with the traitor(uhh I mean rose)."So,what do we know?"Rose asked."Well we know that one half of the scroll explains that Alva will be back with a sinister plan but the other half of the scroll is confusing"Cinderella explains.

"Yeah it said that the cure for Gilly's deep sleep is the kiss of someone who's love for her can not be beat"Rapunzel said,"Any ideas what that might mean."
"Maybe the love of her family can wake her?"Cinderella asked.

"No,its not that"Rose said."But who's love for Gilly can't be beat?"Rapunzel asked."Well what woke me and Snow up from our deep sleep?"Rose asked.
"A true love's kiss"Snow said.

"So to wake up Gilly her true love needs to kiss her,right?"Rapunzel said."yep,but since we don't know who might be Gilly's true love,we have to have ask her friends"Rose said.
"Ok let's go find them"Snow said.

The Princesses went back to the hospital and found Gilly's friends there.
"Good,your here,we have to ask you a question,Does Gilly have a crush on anyone?"Snow asked."No,she has never mentioned anything about liking someone"Maxine said.

"Well do you know anyone who may have a crush on Gilly?"Cinderella asked.
All of Gilly's friends shook their heads no,except Ollie.He opened his mouth to say a name but closed his mouth.

"Do you know anyone who Cares the most for Gilly?"Rapunzel asked.Gilly's friends turned their heads towards Jax who was holding Gilly's hand,not listening to the conversation since he was sitting 20 feet away.

"Yep,I can think of someone"Jocelyn said."So your saying that Jaxson might have a crush on Gilly"Cinderella said.
"Lets go ask him"Kayla said with a grin.
"Hey Jax"Ollie said innocently,"I got a random question for you,do you like Gilly?"

Jax's face turned red."I-I don't k-know what m-makes you t-think that"Jax said while looking out the window."Well I'm gonna go get breakfast now,bye"Jax ran out of the hospital."Hahahahaha,I've always had a feeling he was denying his love for Gilly"Ollie said with a smirk.

"How are we going to convince Jax to admit his love for Gilly and try to get him to try to wake Gilly?"Snow asked.
"I don't know but since I'm Jax's sister I should speak with him"Rapunzel said.

Rapunzel went to the one place in the Palace that Jax would be,The Observatory.She knew he would be there because Jax had spent nights looking at the stars in the Observatory with Gilly.Jax and Gilly's "friendship" was very cute.

"Hey Jax"Rapunzel said as she walked towards Jax."How are you?"Rapunzel asked."What do you want?"Jax asked.
"I wanted to talk you"Rapunzel said,"We know you love Gilly". Jax's face turned red."I-I don't k-know what y-you are t-talking about"Jax said stumbling over his words.

"We know you do,you don't need to hide it"Rapunzel said."I do love her but she doesn't love me"Jax said."You don't know that,she could love you as much as you love her.You might be her true love"."What do you mean?"Jax asked.

"You see,we have found out that the only way to wake Gilly is . . . a true love's kiss"Rapunzel said.Jax's eyes widen."You might be her true love,you might be her only hope"Rapunzel said.

"How can you guarantee that I'm her true love?"Jax asked with a tint of sadness in his voice."The person who Cares and treasures her the most is her true love,And that's you"Rapunzel said.

"I'll give you some time to think about it,but we don't have long until Alva attacks again"Rapunzel said.Rapunzel left the Observatory,leaving Jax alone with his thoughts as he looked down at the village filled with people.

{{{I was going to put this out tommorow but I have to celebrate my sister's birthday and I am going to watch a movie tommorow,I am going to try and update every Monday and Maybe Fridays.}}}

Hope you enjoyed.

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