Sugar Daddy?

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#16 - Sugar Daddy?

"Lalisa? Is that you?"

The CEO, Taehyung's father asked while looking at Lisa, she was shocked hearing this


Lisa was speechless and looked at Taehyung and nudged him a little bit, Taehyung then looked at Lisa and got the signal

"Um yes, father, this is Lalisa, she will be your new secretary, Lisa, this is my dad, the CEO of this company,"

Taehyung said introducing each of them to each other, Lalisa then bowed politely and said

"Nice to meet you Mr. Kim, it's a pleasure to be here,"

While Taehyung's dad just walked closer to Lisa and and held her shoulder

"Don't bow my dear, didn't we agree last time that you will call me dad?"

As Taehyung's dad said this Taehyung immediately was confused. Last time? There was a last time? He was thinking that maybe Jungkook's crazy idea was true and Lalisa's sugar daddy might be his father and Taehyun might actually be his brother.


Lalisa said stuttering and shook her head lightly and pointed his gaze to Taehyung, the CEO got the signal and said

"Taehyung, pls leave us alone for a while,"

Taehyung was shocked by this, and thought that were gonna do something nasty, as he thinks about it he wanted to puke, he immediately got out but before he did he shouted

"Dad! I'll just remind you, I'm your kid! You were married!"

"I know that Taehyung,"

The CEO responded as Taehyung shuts the door. Then immediately, Taehyung called Jungkook, fortunately, he picked up

"Ughh ughhh, he-hello? Ahhh"

That was how the other line sounded like and it wasn't Jungkook's voice, it was a girl's voice, Taehyung then wore a poker face as he ended the call.


Taehyung whispered and when he counted to 3 he called Jungkook again

"Bro, wth man! Why are you calling?"

Jungkook said irritatedly like Taehyung just took something precious from him

"Bro I think you might be right,"

"I was right? About?"

"About my dad being that prostitute's sugar daddy,"

Taehyung explained as he heard laughter from the other line, and then Taehyung explained everything to Jungkook.

Meanwhile inside the office

The CEO held Lisa's hand as she was looking down

"Why does my son not remember you?"

Lalisa looked down as tears fell from her eyes, she stayed silent

"Come here dear have a seat,"

The CEO said and guided Lisa to the couch, as they both sat down Lalisa was still looking down

"I'm sorry, stop crying dear, my wife and I divorced 6 years ago, I don't know what happened to my son, and why he forgot who you were,"

The CEO explained. The CEO was Taehyung's dad and he had always liked Lisa for Taehyung, he was even encouraging their marriage, but after the divorce, Taehyung started living with his mom and that's where everything went downhill.

"I also don't know why he can't remember me, us,"


"We had a child,"

As Lisa said that, the CEO was enlightened hearing that he has a grandchild.

"Oh? How were you? Was my son a good father?"

As he asked that Lisa started to burst out in tears, he was startled by this

"I-I raised Taehyun all by myself all this time,"

Lisa confesed as the CEO's face turned to anger and rage, he was about to stand up to have a talk with Taehyung but Lisa stopped him

"Pls don't he doesn't remember anything,"

"I'm so sorry for raising am assh*le of a son,"

The CEO said but Lisa just shook her head

"But if you'd let me, I would love to see my grandson,"

The CEO said with a soft tone and Lisa just smiled and stood up, as she did, she bumped into a bookshelf and a heavy book fell on her foot

"Ahhhhhh, sh*t ahhhh,"

She cried out due to the pain

"Oh Lalisa are you-"


Taehyung barged in with his eyes covered interrupting the CEO.

"Aisshh ahhh,"

Lisa said still in pain and Taehyung unblocked his eyes to see the truth and how much of an idiot he just sounded like.

"Taehyung... YOU'RE GROUNDED!"


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