Bad boy ;)

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Harry was still staring at me with a deeply interested expression on his face. But it was hard to take him seriously when he was standing there, naked.

"You and me babe. Tonight. I'll see you then." Harry simply said, and then made a run for it, because he heard footsteps down the stairs. Which was probably Lou, looking for me.

"Sky? Were are you?" Louis's call echoed around the house.

Harry winked at me one last time before diving behind the counter.

Lou made his was downstairs, but before he could even blink, ran towards him and jumped on him.

"SUPER MAN!" I screamed before landing in his arms.

"SOMEONE SOUNDS LIKE THEY NEED HELP!" Louis cried, going along with it. Then he ripped off his shirt and he was wearing a superman shirt under his regular shirt. What in the hell?! I've no idea. But he picked me up and 'flew' around the house until we finally crashed into the couch.

We both chuckled at our immaturity. I snatched the remote and clicked the on button.

Later that night, when I finally wrapped myself around my covers in a comfortable way, I heard the sound of the door creak open. Ehh. I didn't worry about it. But when I heard the shuffling of footsteps, I got a little concerned. It must be Louis, I should pretend as I'm sleeping! The bed shook some as Louis got on it. Louis chuckled and slowly pressed up against me. Tingles went down my spine.

"Ohhhh, Louis!" I softly moaned. I thought I felt him tense up when I said his name. Odd.

His warm sweet breathing fluttered on my ear, lulling me to drift away into a deep sleep.

In a flash, I was in a coffee shop, one that I'd often visit everyday. I looked around and I noticed that it looked all the same, except who was beside me. I was locked arms with Louis, his delicate smile lingering on his lips. I smiled too, because I knew that he was the one. But he disappeared into mist. The mist started reforming, but into someone different. Harry. But he looked more solid, as if the dream was trying to tell me something. Harry looked away from me to order. But the waitress was really hot, and he winked at her. Anger burned up in me and Harry disappeared into the same strange mist that Louis did. But who appeared next made me just about shit my pants. His crystal blue eyes and dark brown hair were more irresistible than ever. He looked just as solid as me.

He was still wearing what he did the last day I saw him. A nice plaid shirt and dark purple jeans.

"Oliver?" I whispered, and he nodded.

Gently, he kissed me. His tongue rolled out on mine and I pressed hard up against him. He aways made me so horny.

I snapped open my real eyes to see that I was actually making out with someone. It was Harry, but I didn't care. The little rascal must have been the one cuddled up next to me.

I could still feel Oliver's lips on mine, well I could pretend. So I hoped on Harry the way I used to with Oliver.

He was shocked, but didn't resist. I rubbed his crotch with my crotch and he grunted.

"Skylar...... ? Is this really you?" Harry seemed genuinely puzzled.

I ignored him and slowly pulled off my shirt.

Soon we were both naked, but Harry was still confused. I closed my eyes really tight and pretended it was Oliver that was about to enter me.

But I just couldn't. It was Harry who I was going to give my virginity to.

I want to so bad though! Ever so slowly, I let him inside me about halfway. Ohhhhh it hurt so bad! But so good! Harry whined while he was about to go in all the way.

Until the door slammed open. But it wasn't Louis, Niall, Zayn or Liam.

END! Sorry...... Cliffhanger there! DONT YOU PEOPLE JUST LOVE ME?!?!?!?!?!?! Hahaha.


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